Give 5 sisters a ray of light

Give 5 sisters a ray of light
Rick & Petty, Dijana, Bep, Aad & everyone Rick & Petty, Dijana, Bep, Aad & everyone

After a fatal accident, these 5 young girls lost both parents. Financial support is very welcome.


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Dear dear people,

We really need your help!!

Since December 7th, the lives of 5 beautiful young girls have been turned upside down.

In one fell swoop, these heroes lost both parents in a fatal accident.

In one fell swoop they are confronted with things that even adults cannot handle, but deep respect for how these young girls do it all together!

Despite the enormous grief and their young age, they ensured a dignified farewell for both parents and arranged everything that needed to be arranged.

There is certainly a lot of help from family and friends, but more is needed.

The most important thing for now is that they can continue to live together in their familiar environment, they want nothing more than to take care of each other.

Unfortunately, the current caravan needs to be replaced and the buffer that is there is not big enough, hence this appeal.

There is a beautiful car for these great guys and the seller has also spoken his mind by lowering the price by no less than 12,500 euros.

Dear people, it must be possible to raise the remaining amount together??




1 week, 5 dagen geleden gestart
9x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Rick & Petty, Dijana, Bep, Aad & everyone Rick & Petty, Dijana, Bep, Aad & everyone

Rick & Petty, Dijana, Bep, Aad & everyone Rick & Petty, Dijana, Bep, Aad & everyone


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1 week, 5 dagen geleden gestart
9x bekeken
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