op 19-09-2024
Greetings from New York.
Hello all,This is my first update from New York. It's my fourth week here and I still can't quite believe I'm here.
Let's start by saying I'm doing great. Studying at NYU is all I'd hoped it to be and more. Classes are interesting and challenging. My cohort is a nice bunch of people. The neighborhood I live in becomes more and more familiar.
This is the third week of classes and I'm starting to find my rythm when it comes to going to class, doing all the reading and writing in preparation for class, and finding time to go to the gym. (For the SportCity people reading this: the gym is not the same without you all <3)
During this semester I'm taking three classes (the maximum allowed): ‘Methods and Approaches in History’, ‘Coups: 1900 to the present’, and ‘19th century France and its Empire’. I love all the reading and familiarizing myself with new subject matters. The writing I have to do is hard, though, but I'm sure I will figure it out.
Included with this post are some pictures of the building in which I live, my desk where I do all the reading, and some impressions of outings I went on (Broadway, hiking in Cold Spring, and a Yankees game). Except for the hiking, which I did by myself, most activities I do are with people from Alumni Hall. It's a nice way of getting to know people outside the history MA program. Although I have to say that the people in the program, both first- and second-year students, are a great bunch.
This is it for now, because I have some reading to do - surprise - on the 1953 coup in Iran. Fascinating stuff.
I sincerly hope you appreciate this update.
With love,
Eli -
op 12-07-2024
It’s finally happening
I realise it’s been a while, since I last wrote an update here. I am sorry for that. I was busy making things happen.
This message is coming to you from Berlin, where I applied for and successfully obtained my visa – it’s a long story, but I can officially start at NYU. I’ll catch you up in this update.
In the beginning of June, I received the final funding I needed. A big thanks goes to the Cultuurfonds, for granting me €20.000,-. Another big thank you goes to all private donors who have put their trust in me and backed up that trust with funding. Thank you so much for making my dream happen!
Since June I have been busy arranging my visa. It was a whole process of getting the right paperwork to the university, so they could issue my I-20 form. Then it was a matter of paying all the fees, filling out all the forms and making all the appointments for my visa interview. As it turned out, the US consulate in Amsterdam could schedule me for an interview in September. September! And from that moment it would take another 30 business days to send my visa. That was a problem, because my semester would have long started by then. Consequently, I needed to look for another embassy where I could schedule an earlier interview. Long live the European Union, because there was a spot open in Berlin on July 12… today. This meant travelling to Berlin for eight hours in an un-airconditioned Flixbus – not stressful at all. Can you imagine my relieve when the embassy-officer-official-person told me: “your visa has been approved and will be send to you within 4 days.” I was so excited and relieved, I could cry tears of joy.
In the meanwhile, the university is busy sorting out my housing. Specifically, they’re finalising the housing assignments. Anywhere between now and the beginning of August I will find out which hall / dorm I’m assigned to and who my roommate is going to be.
What I do know, is that I can move in August 24, between 12pm-2pm. It’s really happening!!
All of this means moving out of my lovely, comfortable apartment in The Hague. This will happen mid-August. Should you be interested in adopting one of my plants or a piece of furniture, let me know!
The last couple of weeks have been weeks filled with heartfelt goodbyes. My final dance class, final exam grading (not going to miss that), final drinks with colleagues (these guys are all amazing and showered me with so much love and support)… And some goodbyes still ahead. Do you want to meet up for a coffee, or grab some food, or join me in the gym for a final pump or combat, or do anything else as a goodbye, please shoot me a message. (Via whatsapp, signal, e-mail, linkedin or Instagram (@eli__in.wonderland).
With love,
op 03-06-2024
* English follows Dutch *
Lieve donateurs,
Bedankt voor jullie blijvende steun!
De afgelopen dagen bekroop me steeds meer het gevoel dat het niet zou lukken. Dat ik geen andere fondsen zou krijgen en dat ik dus ook niet in New York zou kunnen gaan studeren. Ik wist het zeker. Een sterk onderbuikgevoel… maar ik had het mis.
Vandaag kreeg ik bericht van het Cultuurfonds, dat zij mij een beurs toekennen van €20.000,-! Dit betekent dat ik weer een hele stap dichter bij het bereiken van mijn doel ben. Ik ben er zo enthousiast over dat ik misschien wel stiekem sta te dansen in m'n huiskamer.
Verder wacht ik nog op een fonds en dan kan ik met zekerheid zeggen dat het financiele plaatje rond gaat komen.
Ander goed nieuws kwam van de universiteit zelf. Ik heb een woning op de campus toegezegd gekregen. Niet alleen is het helemaal fantastisch om bij het prachtige Washington Square Park te wonen (zie foto's), maar het is ook nog eens voordeliger dan een kamer huren ergens in New York.
Ik ben intens dankbaar.
Dear donors,
Thank you so much for your continuous support!
The past few days I had a bad feeling about it. I was sure the other scholarships I applied to wouldn't support my project. I was very sure. I felt it in my stomach … and I was wrong.
Today I learned that the Cultuurfonds will give me a €20.000,- scholarship! This will make all the difference. I am so excited; I might secretly be dancing in my living room. This is a huge step towards achieving my goal.
I'm still waiting to hear back from one scholarship. Hopefully that one will come through as well.
The other good news came from the university itself. I can live on campus. Not only is it amazing the live near Washington Square Park (see pictures), but it is also way more affordable than any other place in the city.
I'm just so grateful and could not have done this without your support. Thank you so much.
Love, Eli
op 28-05-2024
* English follows Dutch *
Lieve donateurs,
Dank voor jullie steun.
Er is nieuws vanaf het fondsaanvraagfront. De eerste beurs van €20.000,- is binnen! Dat betekent dat ik weer een stap dichterbij mijn doel ben. Nu is het afwachten tot ik iets van de andere fondsen hoor; dat zal aan het begin van juni zijn. In de tussentijd kan ik niets anders doen dan afwachten (en examens nakijken, zoals je op de foto's ziet). Hopelijk zit ik volgend jaar rond deze tijd geen examens, maar papers van studenten na te kijken.
Lieve groet,
Dear donors,
Thank you for your support!
I have some good news: I heard back from one of the scholarships I applied for and they rewarded me with €20.000,-! This means I am one step closer to achieving my goal. I won't hear back from the other scholarships until the beginning of June, so all I can do is wait (and grade exams, as you can see in the picture). Hopefully, this time next year, I won't be grading exams but papers of university students.
With love,
Eli -
op 11-05-2024
It's a waiting game…
Dear donors,
It's been a while since I've posted an update. Mostly due to the fact that there's not much to tell.
I'm mostly waiting to hear back from several funds and will know more around end of May / mid June. So, it's a waiting game. By that time I'll either have raised enough money to go to NYU this year, or know I'll have to wait another year. The university has offered me the possibility of a deferral. In that case, the offer still stands, but I have another year to fundraise.
In the meanwhile, I'm very grateful for your continuous support.
With love,
Eli -
op 12-04-2024
* English follows Ducth *
Lieve donateurs
Heel veel dank voor jullie voortdurende support!
Zojuist heb ik de laatste fondsaanvraag de deur uit gedaan. Het aanvragen van fondsen is een confronterend proces geweest, omdat ik - met mijn anders dan anders levensloop - niet pas in de hokjes die fondsen creëren. Zo zeggen veel fondsen dat je tot maximaal 29 jaar en uiterlijk 2 jaar geleden afgestudeerd mag zijn. Uitzonderingen kunnen dan niet worden gemaakt. Gelukkig zijn er ook studiebeurzen waar ik wel kans maak. Ik ben benieuwd en houd jullie op de hoogte.
Daarnaast ben ik in overleg met de universiteit op zoek naar passend werk op de campus. Lesgeven kan waarschijnlijk pas vanaf het tweede semester, maar er is een scala aan meer administratieve banen waar ik op kan schrijven. Vooruitzicht op werk scheelt financieel ook weer een hoop.
Via deze updates houd ik jullie op de hoogte van de voortgang van het hele project. Mocht je nieuwsgierig zijn naar specifieke dingen, stuur me dan vooral een bericht via linkedin of instagram (@eli__in.wonderland).
Nogmaals dank voor jullie steun.
Lieve groet,
Elips. The picture is of Bobst Library - NYU's grootste bibliotheek. Kun je je voorstellen dat ik daar straks misschien studeer?
Dear donors,
Thank you so much for your continuous support!
I have just sent out the last application for funding. Applying for funds has been a confrontational process, because - with my different life history - I do not fit into the boxes that funds create. For example, many funds set an age limit of 29 and ask that you be graduated no more than two years ago. No exceptions. Fortunately, there are also scholarships where I have a chance. I'm excited - and a little bit nervous - and will keep you informed.
In addition, I am looking for suitable work on campus in consultation with the university. Teaching will probably only be possible from the second semester onwards, but there are a range of more administrative jobs that I could apply for. Job prospects also make a big difference financially.
Through these updates I will keep you informed of the progress of the entire project. If you are curious about specific things, please send me a message via linkedin or Instagram (@eli__in.wonderland).
Thanks again for your support.
With love, Eli
ps. The picture is of Bobst library - NYU's largest library. Can you imagine I will be studying there?
op 04-04-2024
* English follows Dutch *
Lieve donateurs,
Heel veel dank voor jullie support!
Ik ben totaal overweldigd door alle steunende, positieve en trotse reacties op mijn crowdfundingsactie. Wat een liefde en support spreekt daar uit.
Inmiddels hebben jullie samen een bedrag gedoneerd waar ik in ieder geval een vliegticket mee kan betalen en ook een deel van m'n verplichte verzekeringskosten.
Zelf zit ik ook niet stil. Ik ben - zoals je op de afbeelding kunt zien - nog druk bezig met het aanschrijven van studiefondsen en -leningen om hopelijk ook daar geld van te kunnen krijgen.
Morgen heb ik een meeting met het history departement van NYU en hoop ik wat meer informatie te krijgen over de mogelijkheden om als teaching assistent te werken op de campus.
Via deze updates houd ik jullie op de hoogte van de voortgang van het hele project. Mocht je nieuwsgierig zijn naar specifieke dingen, stuur me dan vooral een bericht via linkedin of instagram (@eli__in.wonderland).
Nogmaals dank voor jullie steun.
Lieve groet,
Dear donors,
Many thanks for your support!
I am completely overwhelmed by all the supportive, positive and proud responses to my crowdfunding campaign. This feels like an expression of love and support.
Together, you have now donated an amount that I can at use to pay for a plane ticket and to cover part of my mandatory insurance costs.
I didn't sit still either. As you can see in the image, I am still busy applying for student funds and loans so that I can hopefully receive money from them as well.
Tomorrow I have a meeting with the history department of NYU and I hope to get some more information about the possibilities of working as a teaching assistant on campus.
Through these updates I will keep you informed of the progress of the entire project. If you are curious about specific things, please send me a message via linkedin or Instagram (@eli__in.wonderland).
Thanks again for your support.
With love, Eli
- op 04-04-2024