Bathrooms for the Fundación Santa María de la Esperanza

Bathrooms for the Fundación Santa María de la Esperanza

We are gathering money to help out with the construction of a fourth building in the Santa Maria Orphanage in Ecuador


Located near the coast of Ecuador, there is the Fundación Santa María de la Esperanza. This place is the home for about 75 kids from all over Ecuador who have been abused or abandoned and therefore could not stay with their own families anymore.
The financial support on which the orphanage is counting, is not sufficient to meet all the kids needs. Therefore they need all the help they can get from your donations.
One of the many needed ongoing projects is the construction of a fourth building, in order to make space for the always increasing number of kids that get brought in. To give these people a hand we are raising money for the bathrooms needed, €1000 each. In order to do this we are organizing an event in Ocasobar, Manglaralto in Ecuador. But no worries! If that does not fit in your schedule you can also donate through this site! Thank you all in advance❤️
-Emmelot Smals

-Evy Van Hoey

-Carol Sangolqui

For more information we would like to direct you to




op 26-04-2022 gestart
2769x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Emmelot Smals

Emmelot Smals



Toon alle donaties
op 26-04-2022 gestart
2769x bekeken