Begrafenis van Onno in Mongolië

Begrafenis van Onno in Mongolië
Pieter van der Klooster

De wens van Sarah is om Onno terug te brengen naar zijn familie in Mongolië en hem daar te begraven.

Beschikbaar in:  Nederlands

Op 11 september jl. is de 43-jarige Onno (de vader rechts op de foto) geheel onverwachts aan kanker overleden. Vorige week spraken we hem nog en was er niets te merken en nu is hij er plotseling niet meer. 

Onno kwam een paar jaar geleden met zijn gezin naar Nederland omdat zijn vrouw Sarah kanker had en hier beter geholpen kan worden. De vier kinderen gaan hier in Nederland naar school en helpen het gezin waar ze kunnen. De familie heeft het niet breed, heeft weinig inkomen (wat nu plotseling helemaal wegvalt), heeft geen verzekering, geen spaargeld en wordt ondersteund door onder andere Vluchtelingenwerk, de kerk en de voedselbank.

De wens van Sarah is om Onno terug te brengen naar zijn familie in Mongolië en hem daar te begraven, Ook moet ze daar, ondanks haar eigen ziekte, een nieuw leven opbouwen

Wij als goede vrienden zouden deze wens graag in vervulling laten gaan.

We zouden zijn lichaam graag naar Mongolië over willen laten brengen. Dit kost helaas ontzettend veel geld en de procedure hiervoor is ingewikkeld. Daarnaast moeten er 5 vliegtickets gekocht worden en is er geld nodig om vandaag te leven, maar ook om in de toekomst

 een nieuw leven op te bouwen.

Hierbij vragen we jullie hulp en begrip.

Help het lieve gezin alstublieft om deze wens in vervulling te laten gaan. 

Funeral of Onno in Mongolia

On September 11th, 43-year-old Onno (the father on the right in the photo) died unexpectedly from cancer. We spoke to him last week and there was nothing to notice and now he is suddenly no longer here.

Onno came to the Netherlands with his family a few years ago, because his wife Sarah had cancer and could be better helped here. The four children go to school here in the Netherlands and help the family where they can. The family is not well off, has little income (which has now suddenly disappeared completely), has no insurance, no savings and is supported by, among others, the Dutch Refugee Council, the church and the food bank.

Sarah's wish is to bring Onno back to his family in Mongolia and bury him there. 

She also has to build a new life there, despite her own illness.

As good friends, we would like to make this wish come true.

We would like to have his body transferred to Mongolia. 

Unfortunately, this costs a lot of money and the procedure for this is complicated. In addition, 5 plane tickets need to be purchased and money is needed to live today, but also to build a new life in the future.

We hereby ask for your help and understanding.

Please help the dear family to make this wish come true.

Funeral of Onno in Mongolia

On September 11th, 43-year-old Onno (the father on the right in the photo) died unexpectedly from cancer. We spoke to him last week and there was nothing to notice and now he is suddenly no longer here.

Onno came to the Netherlands with his family a few years ago, because his wife Sarah had cancer and could be better helped here. The four children go to school here in the Netherlands and help the family where they can. The family is not well off, has little income (which has now suddenly disappeared completely), has no insurance, no savings and is supported by, among others, the Dutch Refugee Council, the church and the food bank.

Sarah's wish is to bring Onno back to his family in Mongolia and bury him there. 

She also has to build a new life there, despite her own illness.

As good friends, we would like to make this wish come true.

We would like to have his body transferred to Mongolia. 

Unfortunately, this costs a lot of money and the procedure for this is complicated. In addition, 5 plane tickets need to be purchased and money is needed to live today, but also to build a new life in the future.

We hereby ask for your help and understanding.

Please help the dear family to make this wish come true.




6 dagen geleden gestart
2820x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd voor:

Hulp aan dit lieve gezin

Hulp aan dit lieve gezin

Actie georganiseerd door:

Pieter van der Klooster

Pieter van der Klooster



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