Fundraising Earthquake Philippines (Glan, General Santos, Sarangani, Davao)

Fundraising Earthquake Philippines (Glan, General Santos, Sarangani, Davao)

Please help to raise monetary funds to help the victims of this tragic earthquake in the Phils. last 11/11/20 around 4:11 pm.

€ 0 ingezameld

This fundraising program (BE28377140784120 Fundraising Earthquake Philippines) to help the victims of the tragic earthquake with 7.2 magnitude in the Southern part of the Philippines last nov. 11, 2023 in the afternoon. This earthquake damaged not only properties but left a lot of casualties. 

The amount raise will be use to help workers especially those who work with “no work no pay” and to help small entities that suffer a lot of damaged so that they can start again. These are small entities especially those who are still recovering from the effect of Covid 19 and now endured again a lot of losses due to this tragic earthquake. 

For more details: videos or extra pictures regarding this earthquake,  you can check at the local Philippines tv newscaster. Just write 7.2 magnitude earthquake Glan, General Santos, Sarangani/Socsargen and Davao. And the date.

Thank you very much for your help.




op 20-11-2023 gestart
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Actie georganiseerd door:

Maylin Menasalvas

Maylin Menasalvas

€ 0 ingezameld


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op 20-11-2023 gestart
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