The major goal of the organization is to transform society and create positive social-economic change.
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According to the mapping report, government programs were identified with activities related to technical work at regional/district levels in Uganda. Youth sustainable vocational skills and empowerment interventions can be increased through the collaboration of the existing organizations with the Government to scale up the interventions at a community level. The categories of young people who need vocational skills interventions are those who are orphans, especially related to HIV/AIDS, Conflicts/wars, and Politics, among others. Youths are in dire need of basic needs and supplementary benefits as Ugandans. These service points can hence be used to create opportunities for the target group who are in and out of schools. In the project, nearly half of the safety cases, drug practitioners, induced abortion, and poor parenting occurred among the youths aged 10-25 years. A third of the national population is made of young people and also a half of the manpower in most sectors is of young people; therefore the need for action to control the above crises has never been more agent than now in the country. The vocational skills and empowerment project is not established for youths because it is not in their careers and usually contributes to an unsafe environment for future citizens. This project, therefore, seeks a total of Ugshs 1,353,881,982.60 to support a one-year project for youth sustainable vocational skills and empowerment project in Kaliro. The project duration will run for a period of 12 months from the date and month of funding
Organization Background:
Claret Women is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit making organization. It was founded in 2019 by a young, ambitious and philanthropic woman named Yiiya Josephine who passionately volunteered her time and resources with a special interest in the empowerment of girls and women. The major goal of the organization is to transform society and create positive social-economic change.
The major aim of the organization is to enhance the capacity of women and adolescent girls and support their efforts towards their development and health by providing age-appropriate awareness programs and services that meet their needs and challenges. CWF started its operations in Kaliro Town Council sub-county of Kaliro, Iganga, Kalangala, Nebbi and Kasese Districts but we hope to operate in all regions in Uganda, especially in rural poor communities, CWF work directly with rural poor marginalized and disadvantaged Orphans, Disabled, Women especially young-mothers, widows, displaced persons, the illiterate and young children in communities aimed at improving rural community live hoods through the implementing development oriented programs including water, sanitation & Hygiene, improving sustainable agriculture, family economic employment, maternal health, child/orphan supports/education & scholarships, primary health care, sexuality and reproductive health, income generating activities, youth skilling programs, vocational training to enable employment creation, sustainable energy, human rights advocacy, food security, gender equality advocacy, young teen mother supports and institutional strengthening and development. CWF is currently implementing its activities in Kaliro, Iganga, Kalangala, Nebbi and Kasese Districts. Through training under the DIT curriculum, young people are taught different skills in carpentry, Paper bag making, Environment management, Sewing and Tailoring, Knitting, Brick-laying, concrete and Practice, Hand Craft training, Computer training, Plumbing, Mechanics and Party Decoration among others. After their training and accreditation, they are expected to be able to produce good quality products leading to an increase in Gross Domestic Product and profitability. Secondly, they will be able to effectively work in their village settings able to create jobs among themselves.
The lack of Vocational training services has the devastating potential to create severe economic impacts. Young people have struggled with life and they need a hand that can support them through vocational training that can equip them with constructive Knowledge and reliable Skills. It is noticed that 78% of youths in their productive years, lack direction which has contributed greatly to affect the development and economic output of the country. In Uganda, youths contribute 78% to the economy of the country. Uganda remains one of the poorest countries in the world. The average daily income hovers below one dollar a day. While 40% of the population in the south are living below the poverty line, in the north this figure rises as high as 70%. A large proportion of young people in Uganda have received little or no formal schooling. Most of them are unemployed and unskilled. They are being denied even the most basic, most practical vocational education and their chances of ever finding a paid job are very slim indeed.
Accessing young people with practical vocational training and thus to the job market; In Uganda, the projects take place not close to the rightful locations/people. This means that over 78% of youths are forced to leave their social and cultural environment, which thus makes training and education even more difficult. In the countryside, there is a heavy emphasis on various programs for the adults than youth manual vocations. The skills are being taught to meet the country's demands. The project is particularly keen to foster communities in which no training and educational opportunities have previously existed. The goal is to motivate to make up to 30% of the participants mainly girls, by the end of 2025, over 5000-100,000 youths will be working either independently, as self-employed operators, or in newly created jobs. Several initiatives have been created to support and provide services to the community. These include a wide range of skills including farming, horticulture and craft making. All these groups are important but mainly with lots of gaps; for example, women groups. These women had taken the initiative, regardless of the physical cost, to seek to earn a living to feed and clothe their children. This means that young people are left without any developmental plan especially OVC, Youth with Disabilities and girls’ youth.
Uganda needs Agencies like CWF which will take part in setting up internal structures and governance. Young people in Africa need Self Sustainable development Programs and this will contribute to 60% of their living. The Organization will work together with local communities and other agencies that have the same interest to implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) within the communities which include the Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, achievement of
Universal primary education (Quality education), promoting gender equality and empowerment, Reduction of child mortality, combating HIV / AIDS, Malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability and promoting global partnerships for development.
CWF Mission:
To enhance the capacity of women and support their efforts towards their development by providing age-appropriate awareness programs and services that meet their socio-economic needs and challenges.
Overall Objective:
- To provide detailed practical aspects /acts on National health issues that affect adolescent girls and young women.
- To improve understanding of the need to further investment in adolescent girls, young women and youth response in Uganda
- To highlight practice examples of easily replicable responses on reaching adolescent girls and young women from different programmes, across the cascades, and in different community/regional contexts.
- To contribute towards the reduction in the spread of HIV/AIDs amongst adolescent girls and young women through the provision of age-appropriate awareness programs and services.
- To eradicate the ever-increasing and worrying poverty amongst women through the provision of economic productive resources, career guidance and skilling/entrepreneurial projects.
- To advocate for the fulfilment of the girl-child rights and gender-based violence.
Most societies are affected by psychosocial and economic problems but among the chosen ones are Kaliro, Buyende, Namutumba, Iganga, Kalangala, Nebbi and Kasese Districts... The project sites were carefully selected taking into account regional variations, the magnitude of the problem and the proximity CWF coordinating office for ease of monitoring and supervision as the Project has succeeded in the pilot trial which has paved the way for replicating.
(a) Direct Beneficiaries:
The project is aiming at address SKILLLAND VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE which is aimed at enabling them to access basic reliable skills through training workshops, counselling and promoting positive behaviours. Currently, young people country-wide are so vulnerable to many dangers in the country due to a double influence as regards political and poverty
Therefore as a result of the above, we have intensified our current efforts and services to young people affected by psychosocial and Economic factors. There is a need to involve youths in service delivery at all levels of project management in rural areas. They will be equipped with knowledge about Positive change and effective planning in Kaliro District.
(b) Indirect Beneficiaries:
The project will also benefit men, women/widows based in project areas and their neighbors. Currently, half of the new strategies are mismanaged by the rural settings in one way or the other. The rural community some times are money-minded, especially men which has turned out to be a major challenge.
The consequences of not having vocational training skills within communities have not been thoroughly studied. Generally, this loses future hope and increases vulnerability in various communities in project areas. Therefore, this will aim at scaling up vocational training awareness among community people.
The International Conference on Population and Development on the Reproductive health rights for women, girls and boys, gender rights and development. There is more work that needs to be done to redress the need for access and utilization of services in communities in Uganda. The United Nations Population Fund Poster Contest presents an opportunity to hear the voices of young people in Uganda and their participation.
CWF is implementing awareness activities in Kaliro district and other districts targeting adolescents and young people aged (10 – 25 years) in and out of schools. It has a well-set organizational structure with professional and experienced staff in the field of vocational skill training and adolescent interests and well-set tools. CWF is undertaking thorough Vocational training that includes the following: Conduct mobilization of youths on issues concerning Vocational pieces of training (income generating activities), Reproductive health (HIV/AIDS), Environment protection, Youth gender protection and development programs for example production of Soap making, Candle making, Paper bags, Carpentry and shoe making, Tailoring among others. Counselling and guiding young people aimed at improving their capacity building on various income generating activities, empowering youth and creating a positive community/school environment and consistent in their approach.
Conduct community workshops which help families to realize the importance of child development and support them in their future planning skills. Carrying out home visits and having meetings with parents/families concerning young people in a less formal way using IEC materials that most parents read and understand. Engaging and empowering parents in decision-making practices of advisory groups (such as local school-community improvement councils), school reform committees, advocacy and other school restructuring efforts. Advocacy through Networking services with other organizations and district administration, CWF will be carrying out the demonstration on the simplicity of vocational skills sections establishment, Income generating activities, Community Seminars on vocational skills training Advocacy, Establishment, Development and Sustainability, Establishing vocational skills training centres and Tree planting in our catchments. Conducting talk shows through radio and TV programs, community and Centre talk shows concerning the importance of YSP in project areas, Monitoring and evaluation is one of our major activities because it helps to assess the progress of the project.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
This will be a continuous process throughout the project life. Monitoring activities will be conducted to ensure harmonious coordination of the project, its operation and proper implementation. This will bring out important information upon which decisions are sought and made.
Field workers will also visit and hold a meeting with the trained leaders (CBSS, FBS, CBV, and Teachers among others) to assess the impact of the project activities and share their experiences and challenges accordingly. Monitoring activities will be conducted on monthly basis.
Evaluation will help the project assess the extent to which implementation is meeting the set objectives. It helps the project team review the implementation strategies to improve the project performance and better resource utilization.
Impact Indicators:
The proposal is designed to improve the youth’s way of life and create early awareness in our project areas.
Our strategies for young people will enable them to access sustainable skills and empowerment. Much focus will be put on those in and out of schools as this brings closer all the young people categories into our sustainable skills web.
Increased number of young people participating in different vocational training activities and improving on their capacity building through mainstreaming sustainable training skills in various programs.
Implementation Plan:
The following activities will be implemented under project areas;
CWF will continue employing community-friendly approaches to reach remote areas through static and mobile training workshops and sensitization programs. Also, the approach will involve various levels of stakeholders. Each of the components of the project will be tackled technically by designing interventions that effectively and appropriately address vocational training skills and associated activities that can contribute to community development. It is anticipated that by the end of the project period, there will be a realization of positive living and reduced levels of dependency among young people in project districts.
The following activities will be implemented under this project: -
1. Community mobilizations and identification of required youths: Over 52,000 people will be reached and the service will be managed jointly with community leaders, development workers, organizations and CWF staff. It will still focus on assessing the nature of the community and the status of beneficiaries, especially young people. Mobilization will also be in preparation for identifying and forming family support groups (FSG) and youth vocational clubs in rural areas of operation. The clubs are thought to strengthen the sustainability of the project.
2. Conducting community Mobilization and Sensitization on youth-friendly concerning Vocational training (income generating activities, Reproductive health (HIV/AIDS), Environment programs,
Youth gender protection and development programs
Capacity Building:
Empowering youth and creating a positive community/school environment and consistent in their approach, hence development of an African Child career through vocational training skills. Among the roles include the following: -
900 participants will be trained in sustainable activities both in and out of schools.
78% of young people will be empowered with life planning skills and knowledge of positive planning Training workshops for 20 parents in each village in the district and 20 teachers from each school targeting 20 schools in the districts. The above training of participants will be conducted at all levels as peer educators on the importance of family involvement, family development, human relations, child rights, Environmental protection, parenting strategies, child development and support them in their sustainable skills in catchments.
Counselling and guiding young people on various development aspects in such a way as to recognize their potential skills relevant to their professional development. This will be successful through engaging and empowering parents in decision-making practices of advisory groups (such as local school-community improvement councils), school reform committees, advocacy and other schools/community restructuring efforts
Procuring and Distributing IEC Materials:
Carrying out home visits and having meetings with parents/families concerning young people in a less formal way of using IEC materials that most parents read and understand. This is aimed at reminding communities to implement young people's sustainable programs in their respective places. Therefore, producing and distributing 20,000 IEC materials on empowerment and youth-friendly programs will be in form of Brochures and Newsletters.
Advocacy: Through Net-working services with other organizations, Community Based organizations,
Faith-Based organizations like Churches $ Mosques, schools and rural community Groups and Associations, CWF will carry out a demonstration on the simplicity of vocational skills sections establishment, Income generating activities, Community Seminars on vocational skills training Advocacy, Establishment, Development and Sustainability, Establishing vocational skills training centres and Tree planting in our catchments.
Follow-up activities: Staff members will always go back to places where they have carried out the activities to meet young people to assess the changes that have occurred, guide beneficiaries in their respective activities, share with them experiences that they have met and get measures on them accordingly.
Monitoring and Evaluation: This will be an ongoing activity throughout the project and will be carried out on monthly basis. It will be carried out to access the project implementation and will help to supervise the youth community-based workers. Assessed management processes will view the objectives, concepts, designs and methodologies of the project; it is an international management responsibility. This will be an ongoing activity throughout the project life. It will be routinely through monthly reports, meetings, checklists, surprise visits and support supervision visits.
To integrate vocational training skills with other practices in communities and school syllabuses to improve the capacity building of young people (girls and boys) aged 10-25 years through empowering participants in all activities in Kaliro District.
The project will be implemented in local areas of the project interests; beneficiaries of the project will be approximate as follows:-
100,000 young people will be trained in various sustainable skills
200 parents and 100 teachers will be trained as community-based support structures and they will also work as community resource-owned persons.
30 youths will also be trained as community-based volunteers. This team will work as middlemen between service providers and community youths. The number of beneficiaries to reach by the end of one year is estimated at 50000 as is justified in no1, above. The organization is planning to reach the target group(s) through CBSS, CBV, women and men in project catchments areas.
Recruiting procedures of participants
Regarding staff members are expected to apply at the beginning of the program, which they will be short-listed for interviews which will be conducted by the board and best of all, will be declared as one of the staff. They will also be expected to be trained in the orientation of the program. Volunteers will also apply and those with relevant papers will be considered and oriented in the field of vocational training skills hence considering age as a very important key point in this aspect.
Community participants will be screened out with the help of community leaders, elders, teachers and church leaders. This exercise will be supported by research methodologies for effectiveness in recruiting participants.
For the effective sustainability of the project, the CWF team will ensure that FBSS, CBV and Empowered on the importance of the project to beneficiaries in their local areas. It is expected that the project will be sustained by the initial active participation of beneficiaries in the project through CBV, Teachers and FBSS.
Mentioned groups will be trained to support the project.
Due to a lack of functional support groups, it has been difficult to implement such projects. However for now sustainability is assured because the family/community and school administration teams would be involved in every stage of project implementation.
It is thought that a community approach involving their participation can lead to a good cause, and it is expected that each community will be capable of handling youth-friendly activities. It is
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