Eindhoven for Gaza collecteert voor: Hearts for Gaza

Hearts for Gaza
Eindhoven for Gaza - Gaza Sunbirds


€ 0 ingezameld

www.heartsforgaza.org The Gaza Sunbirds are a paracycling team from the Gaza Strip, founded in 2020 by Alaa al-Dali and Karim Ali. The team consists of Palestinian cyclists who, despite amputations, continue to engage in sports and aspire to compete in international competitions.

Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict in October 2023, the Gaza Sunbirds have shifted their focus to humanitarian aid within Gaza. They use their bicycles to distribute food and other essentials in areas that are difficult for traditional aid organizations to reach. To date, they have delivered more than 7,000 hot meals and provided shelter to more than 200 people.

Thanks to their mobility and local knowledge, the Gaza Sunbirds can quickly respond to the needs of individuals and communities, playing a crucial role in relief efforts amid the ongoing crisis.

With "Hearts for Gaza," people across Europe cycle, run, or walk to raise funds for the Gaza Sunbirds, an inspiring paracycling team dedicated to aid and hope in the Gaza Strip. It connects 'people in motion' from different countries in a joint effort to show solidarity and raise awareness.

In addition to raising funds, we also want to send a powerful message: the situation in Gaza is unacceptable, and we call for more action and responsibility from the European Union. Together, we are not only working toward a goal but also toward change!


op 10-02-2025 gestart
3855x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd voor:

Gaza Sunbirds

Gaza Sunbirds

Collectant voor deze actie:

Eindhoven for Gaza - Gaza Sunbirds

Eindhoven for Gaza - Gaza Sunbirds

€ 0 ingezameld


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op 10-02-2025 gestart
3855x bekeken
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