Help me and my family get out of the war

I am Muhammad. My life was happy before the war. After the war, I lost my little daughter, who was three years old,
Wees de eerste om deze actie te steunen!
I am Muhammad. My life was happy before the war.
After the war, I lost my little daughter, who was three years old, and I do not want to lose anyone else.
Help me and my family to get out of Gaza.
My wife was injured in the eye when a building was targeted and she needs surgery
Follow me Instagram k.abo_hade
op 22-03-2024 gestart
65x bekeken
Actie georganiseerd door:

Mahmoud Abunada
op 22-03-2024 gestart
65x bekeken
Andere acties in:
Humanitair hulp
Misbruik melden