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House Honeymoon for Alex

House Honeymoon for Alex
Alexandra de Bruijn

Alexandra is finally getting married!

Actie loopt tot 30-04-2022

Doneren is niet meer mogelijk

Alex has been wanting to get married, to her home.

She is about to become an adult, and purchase the apartment she lives in, from her mother.

A promissory agreement has been signed by the both of them, for the purchase of the apartment at half the value of the apartment! 

The deed is due before June 30th.

So, that's a great deal!

In order to gather the sum required (price + costs), additional funding is indicated, next to the loan the bank is giving to Alexandra.

Thank you so much, for making this extraordinary moment in her life, possible! 

Most of you know what a long road this has been and how important this transaction is.

You only get married once! (Well, some of us do...).




  • if you donate up until 70 euros: Thank you! Your help is very much appreciated!
  • if you donate between 71 and 100 euros: you will be invited to the house warming party on August 15th!
  • if you donate between 101 and 300 euros: you will be invited to the house warming party on August 15th! Alex will give a personalised live 3-card tarot reading online. This is past-present-future. +- 15 minutes. Specific questions are possible.
  • if you donate between 301 and 700 euros: you will be invited to the house warming party on August 15th! Alex will give a personalised live celtic cross tarot reading online. +- 30 min. Specific questions possible.
  • if you donate between 701 and 1200 euros: you will be invited to the house warming party on August 15th! Alex will give an in-person live celtic cross tarot reading. +- 30 min. Specific questions possible.
  • if you donate between 1201 and 2500 euros: you will be invited to the house warming party on August 15th! Alex will give an in-person celtic cross tarot reading. +- 30 min. Specific questions possible. You will receive a duo-ticket to the premiere of ATTYA (All the things you are) at the Flemish Opera- Premiere date to be (re-)set, will likely be in 2024.
  • if you donate 2501 euros or more: Wow! you will be invited to the house warming party on August 15th! Alex will give you an in-person celtic cross tarot reading. +- 30 min. Specific life-questions are possible. You will receive a duo-ticket to the premiere of ATTYA (All the things you are) at the Flemish Opera- Premiere date to be (re-)set, will likely be in 2024. Alex will perform a song of your choice, provided you have a piano, in your living room. If you don't have one, you can come to hers, provided the apartment is purchased!


Your gifts are provided for in the time frame August 1st 2022 - November 1st 2022.



A note: Because of the fact that the transaction is still uncertain until full financing is guaranteed, please, do not share the news of it, nor this link, with anyone.

It's like having a baby: You'd like to make sure everything is sound and well, before you share the news.

This campaign is limited to a private group of people.

Please message me if you would like to see proof of the signed promissory agreement and verify the news before donating.

If the option on the apartment is not lifted due to financing not complete, your donation will be refunded.


Alex is, next to crowdfunding, looking at several ways to secure full financing.





Picture: © Lynn S.K.




op 11-04-2022 gestart
446x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Alexandra de Bruijn

Alexandra de Bruijn

Actie loopt tot 30-04-2022

Doneren is niet meer mogelijk


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op 11-04-2022 gestart
446x bekeken
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