Please help save my family and return life to them πŸ’”πŸ™πŸ˜₯

Please help save my family and return life to them πŸ’”πŸ™πŸ˜₯

PleaseπŸ™, pleaseπŸ™, give me a minute of your time to read my message. It is very importantπŸ™πŸ’”πŸ˜₯



To the honorable free people of the world, those with white hearts full of love, peace and humanity. Please, please give me a minute of your time to read my message.

It's very important. I thought a lot before writing to you, and I was very hesitant and ashamed to do so because this situation is the first time I have been exposed to it, but the burden has become large and heavy on my shoulders and my inability to bear this burden and hardship, and my fear and great sadness for my family, so I turned to you asking for help and I am speaking to you now while my eyes are full of tears. I will now tell you about the suffering of me and my family. First, the picture that you see on the cover was taken two weeks before the war. It was my mother’s birthday and my family celebrates it every year. And now, due to the difficult circumstances that my country is going through as a result of the brutal war, including cutting off all means of communication and communication with the outside world and not... This service is provided here in my country, Palestine - Gaza. I spread our appeal to you and the suffering that we are going through now to reach all the free people of the world with white, compassionate hearts. Now we will tell you who I am and what our appeal to you is.


My name is Fayez Qadada, Palestine from Gaza. My family is for me the most important thing in my life. Therefore, it is difficult and painful to watch those you love and the people dearest to you, where they are in your heart, in pain and suffering and asking for help, and to watch them without being able to provide them with help. You feel as if a knife was stuck in your heart and tore it out, and this is true. I'm talking about my family of 45 people. My mother, my brothers, their wives and children, my sisters, their husbands and their children. We lived in a home filled with love, warmth, security, comfort, happiness, and social and emotional connectedness between family members. Suddenly, without warning, an inhuman and merciless missile falls, destroying everything like a disturbing nightmare. I wish it was. Just a nightmare, but unfortunately this is real and realistic. This is what happened to my family's home and my family members as a result of the war on my city of Gaza, where a missile fell on the house. It does not carry any meanings of humanity, mercy, kindness, love or peace, and does not take into account the presence of civilians, children, women and the elderly. He destroyed everything and took all the memories and moments with him. And the beautiful happy times and occasions that brought my family together. Members of my family were also killed, including my father, a kind and caring man, the most precious thing in my life, who left with the house and all its possessions. My family has been displaced and separated. Every member of my family was looking for shelter for themselves and their children, searching for food, water, medicine and clothes, and they began to live in tents without electricity. Heating, water, sanitation, food, cold, and diseases as a result of environmental pollution. I appeal to every free and honorable human being with humanity, conscience, and compassion, with a white heart full of love, peace, humanity, and a pure spirit, to help me restore my family home, reunite my family, and make it anew. My sick mother, saddened by the loss of my father and the separation and separation of my brothers and sisters. I ask for your help. With your support in anything, or by posting and sharing, we can make a difference and bring life and hope back to my family. Be their lifeline, and you have all my love, respect and best wishes from my heart. May God bless you. 






op 29-02-2024 gestart
305x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Fayez Qadada

Fayez Qadada



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op 29-02-2024 gestart
305x bekeken