Saving my family from the Holocaust and genocide in northern Gaza

Saving my family from the Holocaust and genocide in northern Gaza

"Hi, My name is Mohammed, I am need support my family members to stay safe"


"There is a genocide war in Gaza, and we are trying to save ourselves from the genocide happening there. 

I am Mohammed Nabil from Gaza, from the Zaytoun neighborhood, a graduate student living in Gaza. We woke up on the morning of October seventh to the sound of bombs everywhere; we didn't know what was happening, we just saw bombs falling everywhere in Gaza. 

My family fled from the Tal Al-Hawa area to Al-Quds Hospital to protect my children from the bombs, and also my mother, sister, and brothers. We all left our home and couldn't take anything with us. 

My family stayed in Al-Quds Hospital for a full 30 days, and the beginning of the war was in our area near Al-Quds Hospital, where bombs were falling everywhere. 

I tried to figure out where to go, and I asked myself more than once if we should go to my uncle's empty house in the Tuffah neighborhood, but I learned from my mother that my uncle is also trying to evacuate to another place because his area is also being bombed. 

I thought more than once about where he went and what the solution is. My father decided to evacuate with my mother and siblings to the south of Gaza, and I decided to evacuate to the north of Gaza to my wife's family's house in the Zaytoun neighborhood."


"My decision to establish this funding page was difficult because I kept telling myself that this genocide aggression would end soon. However, the repeated displacement of my family and the fact that they were inches away from death repeatedly terrified me to the core and confirmed to me that I must launch this campaign."


"My family consists of my wife Rula and two daughters, Rose, who is six years old, and Kyras, who is one year old. Leaving home and moving from place to place was not easy for my wife and children. Throughout the displacement, my daughter would ask me, 'Where are we going? To which place? What is happening, mommy?' This difficult question was unanswered for my wife, leaving my children puzzled. With every bomb dropping, my daughter Rose would ask, 'What is that sound? Mommy, I am very scared. The sound is terrifying!'"


"A while ago, our neighbors' house was threatened with bombing, and they were given 10 minutes to evacuate. We hurriedly fled to the first floor and took refuge in the last room. Those 10 minutes were terrifying; we were all scared. Suddenly, the ground shook as if it were an earthquake, and the glass windows on the right side of the house shattered. Our neighbors' house was bombed. After a couple of days, we received news that our house was completely destroyed, unreachable. This news was shocking to us. Days passed, and we tried to contact my cousins, but no one answered. After three weeks, the occupation withdrew from the coastal area. We went to check on my cousin's house but found no one. As we roamed the area, we suddenly found skeletal remains and several skulls, along with passports. Upon inspecting them, we learned that these bodies belonged to my cousin's family. They were all killed. A neighbor in the area who survived told us that he witnessed their execution, all 17 of them, entirely slaughtered."


"April was the toughest month we've ever endured, as we were under siege in northern Gaza, with no food supplies entering. We searched for flour everywhere until we found it priced at 80 shekels per kilo, which is approximately $20. We didn't consume any vegetables for a whole month, and we received the news of my uncle's martyrdom, which was like a lightning bolt. Due to the intense bombardment and rockets, we couldn't even figure out how or where to bury him."


"We were forced to leave our home in search of a safe place away from danger, but there is no safe place here in Gaza. Our journey ended with living in a small tent, away from the rest of our family. Here, it's really hard to get enough food and water. But the cold is worse; it bites us, making every night a struggle to stay warm. This is very tough on everyone, but especially on the youngest in our family - Kyras, who is only one year old, and Rose, who hasn't even reached her sixth year yet, who should be playing, not shivering. Women also face tough times, without safety or warmth. And now our home has become a tent where we face cold, hunger, and fear every day."


"We just want to live in peace, without fear. Despite the difficulty of asking for help, we believe in the kindness of people around the world. Your donation means much more than just money. For Zeina and Yahya, your assistance means a chance to live a normal childhood, filled with laughter and joy, not fear. It gives hope for a future where they can play under the sun without hiding from bullets and rockets. It's about reclaiming the dreams that war tried to take from us."


"Your donation can make a big difference for us. It includes details about my family and our story. We are striving to navigate through these turbulent times with faith and perseverance."




op 14-04-2024 gestart
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Actie georganiseerd door:

mohammed ashour

mohammed ashour



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