Spaarpotje voor het gezin van KRISTOF VAN ASSCHE

We zorgen er graag voor dat de grote trots van Kristof zich geen zorgen moet maken over centen in de toekomst.
Op zaterdag 13 april 2024 stond de wereld even stil. Kristof overleed in een ongeval in Engeland waar hij samen met zijn vrouw Stacy en kinderen Lily (7) & Teddy (4) woonde.
We willen er graag samen met jullie voor zorgen dat zij zich in de toekomst financieel geen zorgen hoeven te maken en Lily & Teddy later kunnen gaan studeren, dat zou hem ongelofelijk fier hebben gemaakt.
Op woensdag 8 mei vieren we Kristof zijn leven in Engeland, op zondagmiddag 2 juni heffen we het glas & eten een goed Belgisch frietje ter ere van hem in België. Het feest begint met verhalen en foto's om 15u in GC De Muze van Meise - Ann Christyplein 6, 1860 Meise.
Wie er graag bij is, kan via deze link inschrijven zodat we weten hoeveel mensen we kunnen verwachten.
Liefs, zijn zussen Ellen & Marjan
On Saturday 13th April 2024, the world stood still for a moment. Kristof passed away in an accident in England where he lived with his wife Stacy and children Lily (7) & Teddy (4).
We would like to join you in making sure that they do not have to worry financially in the future and Lily & Teddy can go to college later, that would have made him incredibly proud.
On Wednesday 8th May we will celebrate Kristof's life in England, on Sunday afternoon 2nd June we will raise a glass & eat some Belgian fries in his honour in Belgium. The celebration starts with story's and pictures at 15u in GC De Muze van Meise - Ann Christyplein 6, 1860 Meise.
If you would like to attend, please register here so we know how many people we can expect.
Love, his sisters Ellen & Marjan
On Saturday 13th April 2024, the world stood still for a moment. Kristof passed away in an accident in England where he lived with his wife Stacy and children Lily (7) & Teddy (4).
We would like to join you in making sure that they do not have to worry financially in the future and Lily & Teddy can go to college later, that would have made him incredibly proud.
On Wednesday 8th May we will celebrate Kristof's life in England, on Sunday afternoon 2nd June we will raise a glass & eat some Belgian fries in his honour in Belgium. The celebration starts with story's and pictures at 15u in GC De Muze van Meise - Ann Christyplein 6, 1860 Meise.
If you would like to attend, please register here so we know how many people we can expect.
Love, his sisters Ellen & Marjan
Actie georganiseerd door: