Support follow the science

Ondersteun de maatschappelijke initiatieven van Prof. Dr. Michaéla Schippers. Support Prof. Dr. Schippers
-see for English below—
Michaéla vraagt uw financiële bijdrage om haar belangrijke publieke werk te ondersteunen. Zij heeft, uit haar persoonlijk budget, de achterliggende jaren duizenden euro’s uitgegeven aan het verdedigen van het vrije woord, het open debat en maatschappelijke betrokkenheid.
Wellicht ben je de achterliggende jaren bemoedigd door haar moedige optreden en ben je gezegend door haar investeringen. Door mee te doen met deze steunactie kun je haar moreel en financieel supporten. It means the world!
Om inzicht te krijgen in haar werk kunt u haar podcast “Follow the Science” volgen. In deze podcast probeert ze samen met Rico Brouwer de eeuwen oude vraag te beantwoorden: hoe kan de mensheid het beter doen? De wetenschappers die zij interviewed in de show beschouwen de huidige maatschappelijke situatie kritisch en nemen de kijker mee in een betere weg voorwaarts (
Neem daarnaast ook notie van de Great Citizens Movement ( De grondleggers van deze beweging zijn Michaéla Schippers en Marloes Vis van Heemst. GCM beoogt mensen te ondersteunen in het creëren van een betere en meer gelijke wereld. GCM website geeft mensen concrete handvatten om hun visie te vertalen in concrete doelen en plannen.
Daarbij heeft Prof. Schippers veel onderzoek gedaan op het gebied van goalsetting, team reflexivity, team performance, academic performance en ikigai (i.e. purpose in life), en life goals. Met behulp van haar website maakt zij haar wetenschappelijke werk vrijelijk beschikbaar voor het grote publiek. Op dit platform kunnen verschillende positive psychology interventies worden gedownload.
-English version-
Michaéla asks for your financial contribution to support her important civic work. She has spent, out of her personal budget, thousands of dollars over the past few years defending free speech, open debate and civic engagement.
Perhaps you have been encouraged by her brave actions in recent years and have been blessed by her investments. By joining this support campaign, you can endorse her morally and financially. It means the world!
To gain insight into her work, follow her podcast "Follow the Science." In this podcast, she and Rico Brewer attempt to answer the age-old question: how can humanity do better? The scientists she interviews on the show critically consider the current state of society and take the viewer through a better way forward (
In addition, take also notice of the Great Citizens Movement ( The founders of this movement are Michaéla Schippers and Marloes Vis van Heemst. GCM aims to support people in creating a better and more equal world. GCM website gives people concrete tools to translate their vision into concrete goals and plans.
Thereby, Prof. Schippers has done a lot of research on topics as goalsetting, team reflexivity, team performance, academic performance and ikigai (i.e. purpose in life), and life goals. Using her website, she makes her scholarly work freely available to the general public. Various positive psychology interventions can be freely downloaded on this platform.
Michaéla asks for your financial contribution to support her important civic work. She has spent, out of her personal budget, thousands of dollars over the past few years defending free speech, open debate and civic engagement.
Perhaps you have been encouraged by her brave actions in recent years and have been blessed by her investments. By joining this support campaign, you can endorse her morally and financially. It means the world!
To gain insight into her work, follow her podcast "Follow the Science." In this podcast, she and Rico Brewer attempt to answer the age-old question: how can humanity do better? The scientists she interviews on the show critically consider the current state of society and take the viewer through a better way forward (
In addition, take also notice of the Great Citizens Movement ( The founders of this movement are Michaéla Schippers and Marloes Vis van Heemst. GCM aims to support people in creating a better and more equal world. GCM website gives people concrete tools to translate their vision into concrete goals and plans.
Thereby, Prof. Schippers has done a lot of research on topics as goalsetting, team reflexivity, team performance, academic performance and ikigai (i.e. purpose in life), and life goals. Using her website, she makes her scholarly work freely available to the general public. Various positive psychology interventions can be freely downloaded on this platform.
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