Donatie voor gaza mensen

Donatie voor gaza mensen
Elidrissi Mohamed

Help de mensen in gaza die al meer dan 16 jaar bezet worden door israel en gebombardeer dag in dag uit help deze mensen .


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Hello, I am a Palestinian living in besieged Gaza and I have two young children.  We live a very difficult life here in the Gaza Strip.  You know that the Gaza Strip has been under siege for 16 years.  We live in an old house that is now uninhabitable.  I appeal to the whole world to help my children.  to buy food.  Please donate on this page .Please help put a smile on the face of my children who would like to contribute even a little money to buy food, see with your own eyes how we live  




Started on 07/10/2023
Viewed 115x

Fundraiser organised by:

Elidrissi Mohamed

Elidrissi Mohamed


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Started on 07/10/2023
Viewed 115x
Other fundraisers in: Foundations
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