Gewapende overval met marteling. Armed robbery & tortured.Please help Stijn

Gewapende overval met marteling. Armed robbery & tortured.Please help Stijn

Na een gewapende overval waarin zij hem hebben vastgebonden zijn al zijn vingers gebroken en is zijn hoofd ingeslagen.

€0 raised
Available in:  Dutch

Stijn is een hardwerkende man die zijn leven goed op de rails had. Hij was sinds de corona crisis zijn droom aan het verwezenlijken in Zuid-Afrika. Hij had met veel geleend geld een Safari-lodge gekocht die hij helemaal zelf aan het verbouwen was. Op 29 November kwam daar opeens een bruut einde aan toen er 3 gewapende mannen in zijn slaapkamer stonden. Nadat ze zijn schouders met metaaldraad hadden vastgebonden hebben ze zijn handen en voeten vastgebonden. Het metaaldraad om de schouders zat zo strak dat het helemaal in zijn vel zat tot bloedens aan toe, en met als gevolg een gebroken schouder. Daarna wilden zij weten of er een kluis aanwezig was, omdat Stijn zijn mond hield zijn ze begonnen met het breken en verbrijzelen van zijn vingers, dit deden ze met een combinatietang. Vingerkootje voor vingerkootje zijn ze te werk gegaan. Terwijl ze dit deden bleven ze ook nog eens inslaan op zijn hoofd met hun shotguns die de overvallers bij zich hadden. In totaal zaten er bijna 200 hechtingen in zijn lichaam. Al 47 hechtingen alleen in zijn hoofd, ook zitten er nu 18 schroeven en metalen plaatjes in zijn verbrijzelde vingers.

Omdat hij zowel lichamelijk als mentaal is aangetast is hij momenteel niet in staat te werken. Helemaal niets is uitgekeerd door de verzekering aangezien de reisverzekering niet correct was afgesloten. Medische kosten zijn niet vergoed evenals alle gestolen goederen. Ze hebben alles, maar dan ook alles meegenomen wat ze konden. Alle elektronica maar ook al zijn klus gereedschap is gestolen evenals veel cash, sieraden en zijn auto. kortom: hij heeft niets meer en torenhoge schulden omdat hij zijn alle maandelijkse kosten moet doorbetalen, hij niet kan werken en de Lodge nu nog lang niet operationeel zal zijn vanwege zijn herstel proces.

Om deze reden zou ik Stijn heel graag willen helpen omdat hij altijd voor iedereen klaar stond en hopelijk nu iedereen voor hem klaar zal staan.


Stijn is a hard-working man who had his life well on track. He had been fulfilling his dream in South Africa since the corona crisis. He had bought a Safari lodge with a lot of borrowed money, which he was completely renovating himself. on November 29, this suddenly came to a brutal end when 3 armed men stood in his bedroom. After tying his shoulders with metal wire, they tied his hands and feet. The metal wire around the shoulders was so tight that it was all the way into the skin, bleeding and resulting in a broken shoulder. Then they wanted to know if there was a safe and because Stijn kept his mouth shut they started breaking and shattering his fingers. While they did, his head continued to be beaten repeatedly by the shoguns the robbers had with them. In total, there were almost 200 stitches in his body. Already 47 stitches in his head alone, also there are now 18 screws and metal plates in his shattered fingers.

Because he is both physically and mentally impaired, he is currently unable to work. Nothing at all was paid by the insurance as the travel insurance was not taken out correctly. All medical costs are not reimbursed, as are all stolen goods. They took everything, absolutely everything they could. All electronics, but also all his tools have been stolen, as well as a lot of cash, jewelry and his car. in short: he has nothing left and huge debts because he has to pay all his monthly costs, he cannot work and the Lodge will not be operational for a long time due to his recovery process.

For this reason I would really like to help Stijn because he was always there for everyone and hopefully everyone will be there for him now

Stijn is a hard-working man who had his life well on track. He had been fulfilling his dream in South Africa since the corona crisis. He had bought a Safari lodge with a lot of borrowed money, which he was completely renovating himself. on November 29, this suddenly came to a brutal end when 3 armed men stood in his bedroom. After tying his shoulders with metal wire, they tied his hands and feet. The metal wire around the shoulders was so tight that it was all the way into the skin, bleeding and resulting in a broken shoulder. Then they wanted to know if there was a safe and because Stijn kept his mouth shut they started breaking and shattering his fingers. While they did, his head continued to be beaten repeatedly by the shoguns the robbers had with them. In total, there were almost 200 stitches in his body. Already 47 stitches in his head alone, also there are now 18 screws and metal plates in his shattered fingers.

Because he is both physically and mentally impaired, he is currently unable to work. Nothing at all was paid by the insurance as the travel insurance was not taken out correctly. All medical costs are not reimbursed, as are all stolen goods. They took everything, absolutely everything they could. All electronics, but also all his tools have been stolen, as well as a lot of cash, jewelry and his car. in short: he has nothing left and huge debts because he has to pay all his monthly costs, he cannot work and the Lodge will not be operational for a long time due to his recovery process.

For this reason I would really like to help Stijn because he was always there for everyone and hopefully everyone will be there for him now




Started on 06/01/2023
Viewed 7532x

Fundraiser organised by:

Christa van den Berg

Christa van den Berg

€0 raised


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Started on 06/01/2023
Viewed 7532x