Help Hussain get to Brazil

I met Hussain when I was traveling through Afghanistan in 2016. He managed to get to Iran after the Taliban took over his hometown in 2021. Now he is trying to get to Brazil. After getting a visa he has no money left for the air fare.
Here's a few words from Hussain
I am a social activist. I have dedicated many years of my life in assisting underprivileged people, particularly women and children. I fought for their basic human rights by providing them with educational books and fighting for their right to quality education. After the fall of Afghanistan, all of my hopes for my homeland were shattered. In my city, me any family kept receiving death threats. So my entire family fled to Kabul and sought assistance from relatives. However, no one stepped forward to assist. I had to flee Afghanistan. My life is in danger in that country because of the Taliban's rule. I made it to Iran somehow. I was a stateless person for months together, and I'm not sure how I'll make it another day here. Somehow after two years i could get a humanitarian visa but now i do not have anything to travel. Please help me escape this country. Thank you
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