Help to leave the Gaza Strip after bombing everything we own

Help to leave the Gaza Strip after bombing everything we own
Tamer Alhammami

Because of the miserable war, we lost everything we had. It contains new furniture, a car and money. Help us before it's too

Available in:  English

Because of the miserable war, we lost everything we owned. The house, with new furniture inside, a car, money, and now we are on the street. We do not have shelter or any money. We want help to get out of the Gaza Strip. We do not have anything anymore. Some relatives were martyred in cold blood. Save us before it is too late. Thank you.

بسبب الحرب البائسة خسرنا كل ما نملك.المنزل وبداخله عفش جديد سيارة مال ونحنو الان موجودون في الشارع ليس لدينا مؤاى او اي مال نحنو نريد المساعدة للخروج من قطاع غزة لا نملك اي شيء بعد الان ف بعض الاقارب استشهدو بدم بارد انقذونا قبل فوات الاوان شكرا لكم




Started on 08/05/2024
Viewed 81x

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Tamer Alhammami

Tamer Alhammami



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Started on 08/05/2024
Viewed 81x
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