Help us to send wheelchairs and others to help disabled people in Gambia

Help us to send wheelchairs and others to help disabled people in  Gambia
Jainaba Saine

Help us please to by donations so that we can send wheelchairs and other aids to the disabled people in the Gambia


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Jainaba Saine and her team have been working hard since 2018 to support disabled individuals in Gambia. By helping them leave their homes and providing them with opportunities to work and participate in society, an important step is taken towards equal treatment of this group. This has a positive effect on their well-being and self-confidence.

Supporting disabled parents can be a challenging task for children, especially if it comes at the expense of their education and future prospects. By providing them with books and notebooks, Jainaba Charity enables them to go to school and focus on their education.

The Jainaba Charity foundation is an inspiring example of how small initiatives can have a big impact on people's lives. By advocating for the disabled and their children in Gambia, they contribute to a better future for these vulnerable groups and make the world a slightly better place.

There are several ways you can help the foundation. The most important one is by donating (second-hand) wheelchairs or other aids that are needed for disabled individuals to leave their homes and participate in society. Additionally, you could consider making a donation to cover the costs of sending wheelchairs or supporting children's education, such as contributing to the expenses of books and notebooks.

Would you please consider supporting Jainaba Charity in their work to assist disabled individuals and children in Gambia? Even small donations can make a big difference in the lives of these vulnerable groups. We will ensure that your donation is well spent and has a positive impact on the people we support.

Please help us help them.

Best regards,
Jainaba Saine


We are registered as a foundation in the Gambia and in the Nederlands





Started on 11/05/2023
Viewed 86x

Fundraiser organised for:

Jainaba Charity

Jainaba Charity

Fundraiser organised by:

Jainaba Saine

Jainaba Saine


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Started on 11/05/2023
Viewed 86x
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