Raising funds to send used and new clothes, shoes and sports equipments

We are currently raising money to ship new, used clothes, shoes and sports equipments to Senegal 🇸🇳 for the local children
The target is to raise € 3.500 for the upcoming projects in July and August 2023 to:
- purchase new and used sport/fitness/gym equipment for the Education and Sports Centre; and
- pay the costs of transport by plane of unwanted, used and new clothes and shoes for the local children and underprivileged families in and around the town Kolda.
How it all started
My name is Yacine Diallo (Yass Diallo), British with Senegalese origins, based in England and the Netherlands. I was born in the ‘80s in a town called Kolda, situated in the Southern region of Senegal in West-Africa. Like most of the children of my generation growing up was tough, because of poverty and the difficult living circumstances. Therefore parents weren’t able to prioritise sending their children to school.
I was fortunate to go to school, college and uni to become well-educated while playing football at a high level. This opportunity came along as I was introduced to a Frenchman, Jean Andre Simon, who used to work in “La coopération française”. This is a partnership between France and Senegal to enhance the Senegalese academic education system.
Jean Andre Simon became my spiritual mentor and French father. He took care of me as I was his own son, growing up with his family and gave me the opportunities for a better life. He inspired me to follow my dreams, enjoy what I do for a living while travelling the world and to help others. As a child he already inspired me because of his passion to help the children with their education and helping the local communities. He inspired me to follow his footsteps and made me the man I am today.
The charity “Senexperienceplus”
In honour of my French father and to give back to my local communities, I decided to start a charity foundation Senexperienceplus (please see the link for more information).
Since the start of this charity foundation in 2006 my team and I have worked hard to build an Education and Sport Centre for the local community in Kolda. Over the years many volunteers from around the world have made a massive difference in the lives of the locals by joining our projects in Kolda to educate and help the local community. On YouTube you can get an insight of the projects of the Education Centre and the Sport Centre or see different videos on my YouTube channels:
Partnership with Gymkiller, Aesthetic Era and Bimaldi
In 2017 a partnership was established with the brands Gymkiller, Aesthetix Era and Bimaldi, founded by entrepreneur Mike Yuen. The charity and the brands share common principles as to stand up for fairness and inclusion for all, regardless of social background, skin colour, age, gender, religion and sexual orientation.
According to Mike Yuen: the collaboration with Senexperience founder, Yass HD Diallo, who is also one of the brand ambassadors and an accomplished international athlete, is a part of the successful establishment of the brands Gymkiller and Aesthetix Era.
As established brands in the fitness fashion world the team recognise that these important principles, as well as the focus on quality and customer service, had led to our increasing business success and customer loyalty over the years. Giving back to disadvantaged communities that is identifiable to the loyal fitness customers, is one way that the brands can say thank you. What better way to do this than encouraging fitness and by positive community engagement in disadvantaged areas, including encouraging and supporting talented young athletes whose abilities and opportunity for self-improvement may otherwise be lost due to lack of facilities and mentoring that projects like ours can provide.
In partnership with the team from Gymkiller, Aesthetix Era and Bimaldi we are working on the follow-up of our last successful trip in October 2022.
Upcoming projects
Because of my passion and dedication to give back to my community I also organise a yearly trip called “travel, help, learn and explore” where the participants and the locals can benefit from this mutual experience and exchange. I am currently planning to travel to Senegal from the 25th of July till 16th of August 2023 to work with my Dutch and British team on the projects.
We want to take this opportunity to make you aware of our new target to raise €3.500 in order to purchase new and used sport/fitness/gym equipment in the Education and Sport Centre. Partly this equipment will be made by and bought from local companies which will help developing local commerce.
We also have been collecting unwanted, used and new clothes and sport and football shoes to give it to the local children and underprivileged families in and around the town Kolda. Therefore we will spend part of the money on the transport to Senegal.
We would appreciate your support to raise money to ensure that the Centre is properly kitted-out with robust gym equipment.
This project will have many benefits for the locals as:
- hiring local builders and craftsman;
- an opportunity for the locals to keep fit and improve their health and giving youngsters opportunities for a better life so this could lead to reducing crime and temptations of drugs or alcohol;
- part of the land surrounding the Centre will be reserved as a playground for young children.
We, as a team, will provide ongoing support and mentoring which will include supporting management of the facility by local community leaders. To make this project successful and change lives in a meaningful and sustainable way through sport, fitness and community involvement, we absolutely need your help to achieve our goal to raise € 3.500.
We will be proud to update you about our achievements on Instagram.
Kind regards and thank you in advance,
Yacine Diallo & Gymkiller team
Fundraiser organised by: