Revival is coming to Belgium

Revival is coming to Belgium
Harvest Sickle Ministries Int.

A two day's conference in Antwerp, help us to change lives in Belgium. Your generosity counts!!


A  two day's conference in Antwerp by  The Harvest Sickle Ministries int. with Apostle Michel Simson. The Spirit of The Lord is upon him, because the Lord has anointed him to preach the good news to the poor and sent him to heal the  broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive and to release those who are bound!

Jesaja 61:1-2

Open your heart give and be blessed!/ Open uw hart, geef en wees gezegend!




Started on 03/11/2021
Viewed 2614x

Fundraiser organised by:

Harvest Sickle Ministries Int.

Harvest Sickle Ministries Int.



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Started on 03/11/2021
Viewed 2614x
Other fundraisers in: Event Religion
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