Samen voor Tess: hoop op herstel. Together for Tess: hope for recovery.

Help ons haar een kans te geven. Please help us give her a chance.

€0 raised

Dear visitor, dear reader, dear interested party,

It's time! Tess wants to live and take up her passions again. She would really like to work, dance, play sports (snowboarding and surfing), act, build a family, have children, go out, and above all: she would especially like to be able to live without having to take into account all the serious complaints 24 hours a day. and limitations of her body. The connective tissue problems (all serious consequences thereof and other physical problems) that cause serious difficulties everywhere in her body, day and night, can only have a chance of improvement abroad.

That is why a lot of help is urgently needed, because everything costs a lot of money.

But she really wants to just live! Being healthy, healing, being able to build a life. And be freed from those symptomatic treatments. Only in specialized centers and with specialized therapists and doctors can she receive the right guidance, therapies, examinations, treatments, rehabilitation, etc. We are in contact with the right experts and have noticed enormous progress and help.

There is still a difficult way to go, but we will keep fighting. She should be able to leave now. Too much life has already been lost and she continues to suffer too much. To give an example: sometimes she goes without sleep for nights due to complaints that prevent her from doing so. Sometimes she cannot do anything at all because serious complaints including severe palpitations, shortness of breath, muscle weakness and dizziness and drops in blood pressure make it impossible.

Please help her to regain prospects for life. We are extremely grateful for all the help. Thank you very much in advance for reading and viewing this.

Why do we need your help?

  • Specialized examinations and treatments for (among others):
    • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and its serious consequences
    • Stomach, esophagus and intestinal problems
    • Mast cell disease
    • Endometriosis
    • Multiple uterine fibroids
    • Abdominal organ prolapses
    • Dysautonomia (autonomic nervous system problems)
    • Heart and blood pressure problems, POTS, circulation problems, tachycardia, palpitations
    • Eye pain, dry eye syndrome, meibomian gland dysfunction, lacrimal gland dysfunction
    • foot disorders (including Morton neuromas, foot pad atrophy, etc.)
    • High wear and tear of teeth resulting in a lot of toothache (enamel and dentin)
    • All these things (and more) cause daily pain, exhaustion, limitations and the inability to live and function normally, let alone enjoy life.
  • Transportation, living accommodation, adapted nutrition, supplements, medication, medical equipment, rehabilitation equipment, purchase of adapted living materials (adapted mattress), etc.
  • Intensive, thorough rehabilitation with a specialized team


We would like to thank you in advance for reading, sharing and for any financial help, small or large.

The more people we can reach, the better.

All funds will be used for further necessary medical examinations, treatments, rehabilitation, accommodation and transport costs.

You can find out more about her story on Instagram: @tess_on_a_mission

Thank you in advance for sharing this story as much as possible

Thank you for your gift.

Thank you very much!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you can help us in other ways: via this website or via:

Practical help in organizing our actions is also always welcome.


Started on 22/10/2024
Viewed 50x

Collector for this fundraiser:

Matthias Caes

Matthias Caes

€0 raised


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Started on 22/10/2024
Viewed 50x
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