Spay and neuter program for stray dogs

Spay and neuter program for stray dogs

My name is Eman and I'm 24 years old. Please help in donating for spaying/neutring stray dogs


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From last two years my main focus is on spaying/neutering strays dogs. It breaks my heart when I see new born puppies dead on roads. There is overpopulated of dogs in my country and I'm trying to help as many as I can but I cannot do everything alone so I need your help. By donating you will help so many new born pups dieing from horrible accident or viruses, it will reduce population of dogs and also you will change the dog lives for better. For male dog it cost €15 and for female it cost €22. It's up to you how much you want to donate. You will surely and most definitely will receive updates. You can join us on our Facebook group chat where you can receive all the recent updates. 




Started on 16/05/2022
Viewed 349x

Fundraiser organised by:

Eman Jafor

Eman Jafor


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Started on 16/05/2022
Viewed 349x
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