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you can improve our lives

Hi i have FMF sickness and i'm jobless atm.. i need your funds for treatment and i can save my marriage


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Hello my name is Umuthan. I am 32 years old and I am an engineer, but engineers are not valued in our country. I have FMF sickness. It is very difficult to live with this disease. For this reason, my relationship with my family broke down. I'm unemployed and that's why I'm having a hard time. and i got scammed.  If I can get treatment, I can save my marriage. I have full faith in that. I need your support to do this. Thank you everyone in advance




Started on 14/06/2024
Viewed 53x

Fundraiser organised by:

umuthan turna

umuthan turna


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Started on 14/06/2024
Viewed 53x
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