Like Panda

Like Panda wants to create a community that strives to represent unity and equality to the world through our clothing brand.
Mijn naam is Sabri en samen met mijn partner Issa Kulia zijn we gestart met Like Panda op te richten die zich focust op eenheid en gelijkheid in ons maatschappij. Gelijkheid tussen de verschillende etniciteiten, gelijkheid tussen de verschillende leeftijden, gelijkheid tussen tussen de verschillende geslachten,… Dit willen we doen via ons kledingmerk Like Panda.
Officiële lancering start op 01 april 2023!
Wat is Like Panda?
With Like Panda we want to create a community that strives to represent unity and equality to the world through our clothing brand. When we speak of unity and equality, we are speaking of creating a community where people are treated fairly and equally, regardless of their differences in ethnicity, age or color. A community where everyone can feel at home.
Like Panda wants to prove that unity equals equality. Unity is essential for a community to function. When people are united, they can work together to achieve goals, solve problems, and build a better future. When people are treated equally, they have access to the same opportunities, resources, and rights. This means that everyone can achieve their full potential, regardless of their background.
However, when people are unequal, they are often divided by their differences, and this can lead to conflict and division. For example, if a society is divided by race or ethnicity, it will be challenging to achieve unity.
In addition, the name Like Panda is also the perfect way to express this as a panda is black and white, but also color blind and Asian. With this we want to highlight once again that we, at Like Panda, see no differences in color, origin, age,… you name it!
By working together we can create a world that is fair, just, and truly unified.
Welk probleem lossen we op?
Wij willen de bewustwording versterken doordat je ons hoodie, T-shirt,…) aandoet, onbewust wilt zeggen dat je tegen ongelijkheid bent. Like Panda wilt het symbool worden van gelijkheid net zoals 4 zwarte stippen het symbool is tegen pesten.
Met Like Panda kunnen we ook de bewustwording versterken in bedrijven, overheden,… Die graag willen inzetten op D&I in hun bedrijf of overheidsinstelling om Talenten aan te trekken in de huidige jobsmarkt.
Wat willen we doen met dit bedrag?
- Productiekosten + verpakkingskost: €350 0
- Marketingcampagne: €600
- Huur box (1 jaar): €1400
U kan ons volgen op verschillende social media kanalen:
Tiktok - Facebook - website:
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