Michael Jackson Enterprise Fund

Michael Jackson Enterprise Fund

In honor of Michael Jackson we give a voice to the voiceless: abused & neglected children & endangered animals.


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Michael Jackson was known as the artist who donated more than any artist to charity and continues to do so after he passed away by donating 20% of all of his yearly income to charity. Michael Jackson Enterprise honors him as a worldwide known humanitarian by carefully selecting orphanages, children centers, foster care homes, animal rescue centers, etc,… to support their work by donating your generous gifts. Whenever we’ve supported a cause we”ll prove it by handing over a cheque and taking the necessary pictures of our visit. we’ve located several organizations in all corners of the world. only by doing so we keep the legacy of Michael Jackson alive as he too was a citizen of the world. Please join us in our effort to act as Michael Jackson Ambassadors around the world in our strive to make the world a better place for those who need us the most. We are forever grateful and will not let you down! Take care and thank you! 
Michael Jackson Enterprise




op 23-02-2024 gestart
85x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Alain De Backer

Alain De Backer


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op 23-02-2024 gestart
85x bekeken
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