Max collecteert voor: Sample Fundraiser Primary School

Sample Fundraiser Primary School
Max de Vries

Help us build a new school playground!

€ 0 ingezameld

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Our schoolyard/playground is in need of renovation. All contributions are welcome in order to realise a new playground. The plans are ready; various play equipment, a sandpit, a natural garden and a complete new layout with new paving and grass have all been designed and are ready to be implemented.  

All we need now is the funding! Every little bit helps! Your contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated!



Actie georganiseerd voor:

L'école primaire L'Étoile

L'école primaire L'Étoile

Collectant voor deze actie:

Max de Vries

Max de Vries

€ 0 ingezameld

Doneer Wees de eerste om deze actie te steunen!


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