Stand up against Serge's cancer, he needs your financial aid.

Stand up against Serge's cancer, he needs your financial aid.
Serge Friant

Serge needs your financial aid so the daily expenses can be paid. Serge is self employed and every financial aid is welcome


It's now already 5 months that cancer has been diagnosed in the body of Serge.  Several surgery operations have been done, and some complications made it  more difficult. Serge is a fighter and stayed calm and positive. But a new challenge has appeared in the fight against cancer.  It's a financial crisis. Serge is self-employed and do not receive state help. Since 5 months all depenses have been paid with the financial reserves, and these reserves are almost empty. 

It will take some more time, a few months before Serge can go back to work. First he needs to have the chemotherapy and then the revalidation. 

Together with the doctors we calculated that before 6 months Serge will not be able to work for 100%.  

All financial aid is welcome 🙏  it's a human action, please give only what is in your possibilities. You can also help by setting up or creating an action to get financial aid.  Thank you very much 😊 




op 23-02-2024 gestart
1131x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Serge Friant

Serge Friant



Toon alle donaties
op 23-02-2024 gestart
1131x bekeken