AUTISM . Abandoned 260 autistic children.

AUTISM has made life unfair to 260 innocent children. The children need 2 classrooms to be able to access education.
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Solicitation for Funding for a two classroom for our 260 autistic children left to their fate and helpless parents .
In Africa, many countries, and especially in Cameroon, the effects of disability in children
have been a debilitating, yet so neglected facet of life. In Cameroon, child disability,
especially mental disability has been on a worsening streak, given that the tools necessary
for detecting disabilities not visible to the eye, those obscured by the lack of information
and adequate education are lacking. The effects of these especially on affected children have taken an even darker turn, especially in the Two English Speaking Regions of the country which are now gravely marred by conflict - A situation even more devastating forautistic children. Many people see AUTISM as a curse, some as witchcraft inflicted unto the child's parents as a form of punishment or a rejection. This mentality puts children in situations of rejection, discrimination, isolation, maltreatment. Their basic human and child rights are not catered. Their rights to normal a life is greatly hampered. Basic necessities such as access to education are restricted since the education system does not provide for special needs education and pedagogical programs designated for children with disabilities in general, and especially autism. Education being every child's fundamental right has been practically impossible to these innocent, fragile and vulnerable children.
In our group , our CHILD PROTECTION FRAMEWORK caters for these children in an attempt to help them live a normal life. We provide special education programs for children with autism, counselling and educating parents and helping them understand their children, disseminating information vital to the help of autistic children, their parents and those around them. Since the commencement of the program in December of 2022 with some friends and some parents of autistic children, we've been able support twelve (12) volunteer parents with autistic children with training on how to educate and take care of autistic children, and Five (5) social workers in related field to learn how to take care of children with special needs who are ready to accompany us, teach and take care of this autistic children. As we look to reach more children, our biggest challenge is to set up two (2) facilities (centres) in the two English-speaking zones of Cameroon where we can provide improved support, education and skill development conveniently (to them).
Through our success with the first 12 parents and children, we have registered 260 autistic children already (with legal parental authorization) in the both English speaking zones of Cameroon ready to integrate and follow our interactive educational creative and social program for their children and themselves. Our aim and objective are to provide every autistic child the opportunity to maximize their potential, integrate into society and live normal lives. Guided by the principles of Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA Therapy) studies from our facilitators, we understand the relationship between behaviour and environment. Additionally, we focus on understanding and modifying behaviours of autistic children and other kids with special needs, providing them with books, toys, study gadgets, painting equipment, sport shoes, food, and all necessary support for them to thrive. In our program we will be offering services such as one-on-one behaviour therapy, group class, and home-school. Other services such as parent/caregiver training and tutorial classes also offered in our centre which will be for free. We start with two regions with hopes of eventually expanding nationwide. We intend to become the leading care giver for children with autism and other disabilities.
In April on World Autism Awareness Day Celebration, we invited parents with autisticchildren to celebrate Autism Awareness Month. The event was a big success, with children and parents enjoyed the games, learned how to deal with every child compassionately and with kindness. Everyone returned home with gifts and a big smile on their faces which is one of our priorities.
Help us, be that bridge, that reason a child will keep having hope in the lives. To rebuildthose rejected, abandoned, discriminated children who deserve to feel accepted, loved, and seen like every other human. To feel and know they have a place in the world, our hope is on you.
Dr. Ntioh Eric Sone.
Project Co-ordinator
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