Help Janna een Yurt te manifesteren als veilige thuis basis

Help Janna een Yurt te manifesteren als veilige thuis basis

Ik heb een veilige thuis basis nodig. Een fijne Yurt op ons terrein om in te woonen en ons te kunen trekken. Help jij mee?

Available in:  Dutch

Lieve mensen,

Al sinds eind september vorig jaar woon ik nu in Portugal. 

Vanaf dat moment ging ons leven in een stroom versnelling en het lukte mij niet jullie eerder een up-date te geven van ons leven hier. 

Het wonen in Portugal heeft geweldig en mooie kanten. We worden constant omhelsd door de vrijheid, ruimte en natuur op onze plek. Maar het bied ook uitdagende kanten.

Ik schrijf dit bericht omdat ik jullie hulp heel hard nodig heb.

Het leven hier was bijzonder moeilijk het afgelopen halfjaar: Hardwerken, volharden, doorstaan en verduren… Dat is hoe ik het kort kan samen vatten. Om zelf overeind te kunnen blijven staan. Deze uitdagingen het hoofd te kunnen blijven bieden. Is het nu op dit moment echt van groot belang dat er op kort termijn (zo snel mogelijk) extra woonruimte word gecreëerd op ons terrein

Op dit moment beschik ik niet over de financiële mogelijkheden om dit te kunnen bewerkstelligen. Deze vraag om steun komt echt vanuit mijn tenen. Want het voelt belangrijk om constructief te kunnen bouwen aan een toekomst hier in Portugal.

Wil je ons ondersteunen door financieel bij te dragen aan deze plek? 

Ons hele verhaal lees je hier

Onze droom:

Daniel en ik hebben allebei een diep verlangen om de wereld beter achter te laten, als dat wij er met onze geboorte op terecht zijn gekomen. Wij zijn er van overtuigd dat, wanneer je leeft vanuit je eigen kracht, jij je ware essentie en jouw eigen unieke plek inneemt: je dan een onmisbare bijdrage levert aan de wereld. 

Het is duidelijk voelbaar dat wij als maatschappij hier nog in hebben te groeien en dat wij onszelf mogen ontwikkelen op dit gebied. (Dit zodat straks iedereen in staat is als gelijkwaardig wereldburger zijn of haar hartsverlangen kan uit dragen.)   

Onze plek TERRA FIRME is een plek waar we deze groei kunnen ondersteunen. Dit doormiddel van workshops, coaching, retreat’s, ceremoniën, zweethutten, lichaamswerk en nog veel meer.

TERRA FIRME is een plek die je terug brengt naar je ware zelf en maakt dat je weer stevig staat in jouw eigen kracht. Terra Firme betekend in het Portugees “FERME GROND”. En ferme grond is wat iedereen nodig heeft in zijn / haar leven: Want als jij stevig staat met je voeten op de aarde. Dan ben je zelf in staat om alles tegemoet te treden wat jouw hart verlangt en het leven je te bieden heeft.


Ons verhaal:

Toen ik en Daniel elkaar leerde kennen, vertelde Daniel mij al snel over het huis waar hij als kind is opgegroeid. Hij heeft deze plek (op veel te jonge leeftijd) van zijn vader geërfd. Deze plek licht op een paar kilometer afstand van een afgelegen dorp. Het hele huis is met de handen van zijn vader zelf gebouwd. Het was zijn droom om deze plek nieuw leven in te blazen en bouwden het zo dat er 2 gezinnen zouden kunnen wonen.  Echter is dat nooit gebeurd: Het huis is nooit afgemaakt. Wel heeft hij er met Daniel zelf in gewoond. Na het overlijden van de vader van Daniel is er eigenlijk niets meer met het huis gebeurd. 

De fijne herinneringen aan de jeugd met zijn vader brachten ook gemis en pijn. Om deze reden wilde Daniel zelf in eerste instantie niet erkennen dat hij in de toekomst dol graag dit huis bewoonbaar wilde maken. (of zelfs maar terug wilde naar Portugal) Toen Daniel mij voor het eerst deze plek liet zien, was dit eigenlijk meer om hem en zijn verleden beter te leren kennen en begrijpen… Maar toen we samen op deze grond rond liepen voelde wij samen direct dat dit niet alleen een plek was van Daniel’s verleden: Maar ook de plek van onze toekomst!?!

Om deze reden zijn wij geëmigreerd en begonnen om ons huis bewoonbaar te maken. Maar we willen meer bereiken dan dit. Ik en Daniel zijn niet “vermogend” zo als dat in mooie financiële termen heet. We hebben elkaar en onze talenten. (en een lege bankrekening;-). Maar toch zijn we aan dit avontuur begonnen. Soms kun je voelen dat je een bijzondere kans krijgt en het moment “NU” is. Dat wachten zou betekenen dat deze kans voorbijgaat. Ook dit klopte:

Uit het niets haakte dierbare vrienden aan op onze droom. Toen Rik en Rozemarijn onze plannen hoorden voelde ook zij de roep van deze plek. Ik zal nooit vergeten hoe ze de mededeling deden: “Wij gaan mee. Ga even zitten. Luister en daarna mag je zeggen of het een goed idee is of niet.” Hier kunnen we een diepe dankbaarheid voelen die niet in woorden is uit te drukken. Zonder hen zouden we nooit zover gekomen zijn in onze huidige leefomstandigheden op TERA FIRME, als dat we nu zijn. Hun steun is van onschatbare waarde. En we leven nu samen met hen op onze plek. 


De Weg:

En dan pas begint het avontuur echt. Het moment dat je het huis hebt ingepakt. Al je spullen en bezittingen op transport naar Portugal zitten in een vrachtwagen. Je word uitgezwaaid door je ouder en he het portier van de auto dicht doet en begint te reiden. (of wanneer je aankomt in je huis. Tis maar net hoe je het bekijkt)

Leven zonder elektriciteit. Geen stromend water.  Alle comfort die je gewend was is weg. Zelf de supermarkt bied een uitdaging om dat niet alle producten voorradig zijn die je normaal binnen handbereik hebt. Je past je dieet aan en je levens ritme. Want het is simpel weg niet mogelijk de zelfde structuur uit te voeren hier in Portugal. En breekt een periode aan van zoeken naar locaties waar bouwmaterialen te vinden zijn. Waar vind je je voorraden voor gezonde voeding? Hoe zorg ik dat ik fit en gezond blijf en kan sporten? Wat doen we met de was? En nog veeeel meer van dit. Naast deze dagelijkse beslommeringen. Lijkt het systeem en de bureaucratie ook alles tegen te werken. Alles gaat vreselijk traag. En onze gezondheid laat ons in de steek… 

2 maanden heeft Daniel rondgelopen met de symptomen van een dreigend hardinfarct. Dit omdat zijn behandeling niet uitgevoerd kon/mocht worden. Dit gaf enorme stress. Ook ik vertoon zorgelijke maag-darm klachten. Regelmatige bezoekjes aan doctor en ziekenhuizen. Instanties en gemeentes. Het valt ons heel erg zwaar. Meer nog dan ik hier kan beschrijven. Naast dat we ons kwetsbaar voelen en ons zorgen maken. Worden we geconfronteerd met angst, pijn, verdriet en boosheid. De relatie krijgt enorme druk te verduren.  En de winter begint.

Het is zo koud! Er is nergens beschutting te vinden in ons on-geïsoleerde huis zonder Electra. We lopen in dons-jassen, skipakken met kruiken rond binnen in ons huis rond. Als we wakker worden kun je jouw eigen adem zien afsteken tegen de koude lucht als een soort rookwolk. Het kost ons zo veel energie om dit alles te verduren. Maar we bouwen door.


Onze situatie nu: 

We hebben stromend water. In de badkamer zelfs warm water.(Als het niet vriest) We hebben een keuken en overdag hebben we stroom wanneer we de generator aanzetten. (We wachten nog om aangesloten te worden op het stroom-netwerk) Ook zijn we bezig met veel voorbereidende werkzaamheden voor de B&B en activiteiten die we willen aanbieden. 

Echter lopen we aan tegen het probleem dat ons huis zo is gesitueerd dat ik en Daniel in een publieke open ruimte wonen: Zonder enige vorm van Privacy. Dit komt door de opzet van het huis: zowel de keuken als badkamer bevind zich op de begane grond in ons appartement. Wij kunnen ons hierdoor nooit terug trekken. 

Om deze reden is het belangrijk om extra woonruimte te creëren naast ons huis. Voor mij persoonlijk gaat het niet alleen maar om het “ruimte gebrek” wat wij ervaren. Maar dieper nog gaat het om basisveiligheid: Dit kan ik nu op dit moment nergens in mijn huis ervaren. 

En dit laatste raakt heel diep: Elk mens heeft behoeften aan basisveiligheid. Jezelf terug kunnen trekken in jouw eigen veilige bubbel. Jezelf opladen, uitrusten, voedden, na denken, ruimte geven, noem het maar op. Dit zodat na die rust, jij weer vol energie verder aan het werk kunt gaan. 

Als die ruimte er niet is, dan brand je van binnen op. Dit geeft stress. En wanneer je maar lang genoeg aan die druk en stress bloot gesteld word volgt ziekte als vanzelf. Zowel onze relatie als onze gezondheid zijn onder druk te komen staan. Een pijnlijke, maar ook leerzame situatie. 


Wat hebben wij nodig: 

Wat wij zien als oplossing is het plaatsen van een Yurt naast het huis om in te wonen. Zodat wij hier een rustige veilige thuis plek kunnen maken die rust bied. We hebben veel research gedaan. En de schatting is dat alle kosten samen op de 28000,- uitkomen. (ja dat vonden wij ook een groot bedrag). 

Dat moet toch goedkoper kunnen? Dachten wij meteen. Het is echter zo dat met alleen de kosten voor een Yurt het plaatje niet gedekt is. Zo moet er een geïsoleerde vlonder worden gebouwd. Goede houdkachel worden aangeschaft. En het vervoersplaatje naar Portugal komt er ook boven op.

We zijn creatief. Natuurlijk hebben we gekeken naar tijdelijke goedkope oplossingen om het probleem te verlichten. Maar dat zijn geen helpende constructieve oplossingen voor het echte probleem: op dit moment is er geen plek in huis waar ik en Daniel echt in alle rust kunnen thuis komen. We ervaren hierdoor ook niet het hebben van een “thuis”. Echt een eigen “thuis” plek hebben om tot rust te kunnen komen is een voorwaarde om verder onze dromen te kunnen realiseren. 


Call to action:

En daarom vragen we nu je financiële steun: En echt alle beetjes helpen!

Mocht je niet financieel kunnen bijdragen. Maar heb je wel een andere manier om bij te dragen? Ook die is welkom. Alleen al het bericht delen via socials. Kan net dat extra zetje in de rug zijn zodat we onze Yurt kunnen manifesteren. Heb je een andere gouden tip op oplossing: Laat het ons weten. 

Met heel veel liefde, dank voor het lezen<3



Dear people,

I have been living in Portugal since the end of September last year. From that moment on, our lives went into high gear and I was unable to give you an up-date of our life here before.

Living in Portugal has great and beautiful sides. We are constantly embraced by the freedom, space and nature in our place. But it also offers challenging sides.

I am writing this post because I really need your help:

Life here has been particularly difficult over the past six months: Hardworking, persevering, and enduring... That's how I can sum it up briefly. To be able to keep standing strong, endure. And to be able to continue meeting the challenges of our new life. Is it really important to created extra living space on our property in the short term (as soon as possible).

At the moment, I do not have the financial capacity to do this. This request for support really comes from the tip of my toes. Because it feels important to be able to constructively build a future here in Portugal.

Do you want to support us by contributing financially to this place?

You can read our full story here

Our dream:

Daniel and I both have a deep desire to leave the world better than we were born in to it. We are convinced that when you live from your own hart and strength. Your own true essence: you will place your own unique, indispensable contribution to the world. 

It is clear that we as a society still have to grow and develop ourselves in this area. (This so that everyone will soon be able to express his or her heart's desire as an equal world citizen.) Our place TERRA FIRME is a place where we can support this growth. This through workshops, coaching, retreats, ceremonies, sweat lodges, bodywork and much more.

TERRA FIRME is a place that brings you back to your true self and makes you stand firmly in your own power again. Terra Firme means "FIRM GROUND" in Portuguese. And firm ground is what everyone needs in his/her life: Because if you stand firmly with your feet on the earth. Then you are able to face everything your heart desires and life has to offer you.


Our story:

When I met Daniel, Daniel quickly told me about the house where he grew up as a child. He inherited this place (at a much too young age) from his father. This place lights up a few miles away from a remote village. The whole house was built with his father's hands. It was his dream to revive this place and built it so that 2 families could live there.   However, that never happened: The house was never finished. He did, however, live in it with Daniel himself. After the death of Daniel's father, nothing really happened to the house.

The fond memories of childhood with his father also brought feelings as loss and pain. For this reason, Daniel himself initially did not want to acknowledge that he would love to make this house liveable again in the future. (or even wanted to go back to Portugal) So when Daniel first showed me this place, it was actually more about get to know and understand him and his past better... But when we walked around on this ground together, we immediately felt together that this was not only a place of Daniel's past: But also the place of our future!?!

For this reason we emigrated and started to make our house a liveable place. But we want to achieve more than just this. Me and Daniel are not "wealthy" as it is called in nice financial terms. We have each other and our talents. (and an empty bank account;-). But still, we embraced this adventure. Sometimes you can feel that you are given a special opportunity and the moment is "NOW". That waiting would mean that this opportunity would pass. This was also true:

Out of nowhere, dear friends joined our dream. When Rik and Rozemarijn heard our plans, they also felt the call to live in this place. I'll never forget how they said, "We're going with you. Sit down for a moment. Listen and then afterwards you can say if it's a good idea or not." We feel a deep gratitude that cannot be expressed in words for this. Without them, we would never have gotten this far in our current living conditions at TERA FIRME, as we are today. Their support is invaluable. And we now live with them in our place.


The Road:

And only then does the adventure truly begins. The moment you packed the house. All your belongings on transport to Portugal are in a truck. You get waved off by your parent and you close the car-door and starts to drive.  (Or it’s the moment you arrive at your new home. It is just how you look at it)

Life without electricity. No running water.  All the comfort you were used to is gone. Even the supermarket offers a challenge because not all products are in stock that you normally have within reach. You adjust your diet and your life rhythm to the new place. Because it is simply not possible to carry out the same structure here in Portugal. 

And than a period of searching for resources begins: Whare are locations where we can find building materials? Where can you find your stocks for healthy food? How do I ensure that I stay fit and healthy and can exercise? What do we do with the laundry? And much more of this. In addition to these daily worries. The system and bureaucracy also seem to be working against everything. Everything is terribly slow. And our health is failing us...

For 2 months Daniel walked around with the symptoms of an imminent hard atac. This was because his treatment could not /refused to be carried out. This caused enormous stress. I also show some worrisome fiscal complaints. Regular visits to doctor hospitals and authorities are daily life now. It's very hard for us. Even more than I can describe here. In addition to feeling vulnerable and worried. We are confronted with fear, pain, sadness and anger. The relationship is under enormous pressure.   And winter begins.

It's so cold!!! There is nowhere to be found shelter in our un-insulated house without Electra. We walk around in our house in down jackets, ski suits with hot jars of water. When we wake up you can see your own breath against the cold air. (like a kind of cloud of smoke) It takes us so much energy to endure all this. But we keep on building.


Our situation now: 

We have running water. And in the bathroom even hot water. (If it doesn't freeze outside) We have a kitchen and during the day we have power when we turn on the generator. (We are still waiting to be connected to the power network) We are also busy with a lot of preparatory work for the B&B and activities that we want to offer.

However, we run into the problem that our house is situated in such a way that me and Daniel live in a public open space: Without any form of Privacy. This is due to the layout of the house: both the kitchen and bathroom are located on the ground floor in our apartment. We can never withdraw ourselfs because of this.

For this reason, it is important to create extra space whare we canlive next to our house. For me personally, it's not just about the "lack of space" we experience. But deeper still, it's about basic safety: I can't experience this anywhere in my house right now.

And this really touches very deeply: Every person has needs for basic safety. Being able to retreat into your own safe bubble. Recharging yourself, resting, feeding, thinking, giving space, you name it. This so that after that rest, you can continue working full of energy.

If that space isn't there, you're burning up inside. This causes stress. And when you are exposed to that pressure and stress long enough, illness follows automatically. Both our relationship and our health are coming under pressure. This is what I experience right now in my house. Its a painful, but also teachable situation.


What we need: 

What we see as a solution is to place a Yurt next to the house to live in. So that we can make a quiet safe home place here that offers peace and quiet. We did a lot of research. And the estimate is that all costs together amount to 28000,-. (yes, we thought that was a large amount too).

Surely that should be able to do cheaper? We thought immediately. However, with only the costs for a Yurt, the plan is not covered. For example, an insulated deck must be built. Good fire stove have to be purchased. And the transport picture to Portugal is also on top of it.

We are creative. Of course, we looked at temporary low-cost solutions to alleviate the problem. But those are not helpful constructive solutions to the real problem: at the moment there is no place in the house where me and Daniel can really come home in peace. As a result, we do not experience having a "home". And having our own "home" place to relax is a prerequisite for further realizing our dreams. 


Call to action:

And that's why we now ask for your financial support: And really every little bit helps!

If you cannot contribute financially. But do you have another way to contribute? That too is welcome. Sharing our story and this message via socials. Can be just that extra push so that we can reach enough peapol willing to help us. And helps us manifest our Yurt. Do you have another golden tip on solution: Let us know. 

With a lot of love. Thank you for listening

Dear people,

I have been living in Portugal since the end of September last year. From that moment on, our lives went into high gear and I was unable to give you an up-date of our life here before.

Living in Portugal has great and beautiful sides. We are constantly embraced by the freedom, space and nature in our place. But it also offers challenging sides.

I am writing this post because I really need your help:

Life here has been particularly difficult over the past six months: Hardworking, persevering, and enduring... That's how I can sum it up briefly. To be able to keep standing strong, endure. And to be able to continue meeting the challenges of our new life. Is it really important to created extra living space on our property in the short term (as soon as possible).

At the moment, I do not have the financial capacity to do this. This request for support really comes from the tip of my toes. Because it feels important to be able to constructively build a future here in Portugal.

Do you want to support us by contributing financially to this place?

You can read our full story here

Our dream:

Daniel and I both have a deep desire to leave the world better than we were born in to it. We are convinced that when you live from your own hart and strength. Your own true essence: you will place your own unique, indispensable contribution to the world. 

It is clear that we as a society still have to grow and develop ourselves in this area. (This so that everyone will soon be able to express his or her heart's desire as an equal world citizen.) Our place TERRA FIRME is a place where we can support this growth. This through workshops, coaching, retreats, ceremonies, sweat lodges, bodywork and much more.

TERRA FIRME is a place that brings you back to your true self and makes you stand firmly in your own power again. Terra Firme means "FIRM GROUND" in Portuguese. And firm ground is what everyone needs in his/her life: Because if you stand firmly with your feet on the earth. Then you are able to face everything your heart desires and life has to offer you.


Our story:

When I met Daniel, Daniel quickly told me about the house where he grew up as a child. He inherited this place (at a much too young age) from his father. This place lights up a few miles away from a remote village. The whole house was built with his father's hands. It was his dream to revive this place and built it so that 2 families could live there.   However, that never happened: The house was never finished. He did, however, live in it with Daniel himself. After the death of Daniel's father, nothing really happened to the house.

The fond memories of childhood with his father also brought feelings as loss and pain. For this reason, Daniel himself initially did not want to acknowledge that he would love to make this house liveable again in the future. (or even wanted to go back to Portugal) So when Daniel first showed me this place, it was actually more about get to know and understand him and his past better... But when we walked around on this ground together, we immediately felt together that this was not only a place of Daniel's past: But also the place of our future!?!

For this reason we emigrated and started to make our house a liveable place. But we want to achieve more than just this. Me and Daniel are not "wealthy" as it is called in nice financial terms. We have each other and our talents. (and an empty bank account;-). But still, we embraced this adventure. Sometimes you can feel that you are given a special opportunity and the moment is "NOW". That waiting would mean that this opportunity would pass. This was also true:

Out of nowhere, dear friends joined our dream. When Rik and Rozemarijn heard our plans, they also felt the call to live in this place. I'll never forget how they said, "We're going with you. Sit down for a moment. Listen and then afterwards you can say if it's a good idea or not." We feel a deep gratitude that cannot be expressed in words for this. Without them, we would never have gotten this far in our current living conditions at TERA FIRME, as we are today. Their support is invaluable. And we now live with them in our place.


The Road:

And only then does the adventure truly begins. The moment you packed the house. All your belongings on transport to Portugal are in a truck. You get waved off by your parent and you close the car-door and starts to drive.  (Or it’s the moment you arrive at your new home. It is just how you look at it)

Life without electricity. No running water.  All the comfort you were used to is gone. Even the supermarket offers a challenge because not all products are in stock that you normally have within reach. You adjust your diet and your life rhythm to the new place. Because it is simply not possible to carry out the same structure here in Portugal. 

And than a period of searching for resources begins: Whare are locations where we can find building materials? Where can you find your stocks for healthy food? How do I ensure that I stay fit and healthy and can exercise? What do we do with the laundry? And much more of this. In addition to these daily worries. The system and bureaucracy also seem to be working against everything. Everything is terribly slow. And our health is failing us...

For 2 months Daniel walked around with the symptoms of an imminent hard atac. This was because his treatment could not /refused to be carried out. This caused enormous stress. I also show some worrisome fiscal complaints. Regular visits to doctor hospitals and authorities are daily life now. It's very hard for us. Even more than I can describe here. In addition to feeling vulnerable and worried. We are confronted with fear, pain, sadness and anger. The relationship is under enormous pressure.   And winter begins.

It's so cold!!! There is nowhere to be found shelter in our un-insulated house without Electra. We walk around in our house in down jackets, ski suits with hot jars of water. When we wake up you can see your own breath against the cold air. (like a kind of cloud of smoke) It takes us so much energy to endure all this. But we keep on building.


Our situation now: 

We have running water. And in the bathroom even hot water. (If it doesn't freeze outside) We have a kitchen and during the day we have power when we turn on the generator. (We are still waiting to be connected to the power network) We are also busy with a lot of preparatory work for the B&B and activities that we want to offer.

However, we run into the problem that our house is situated in such a way that me and Daniel live in a public open space: Without any form of Privacy. This is due to the layout of the house: both the kitchen and bathroom are located on the ground floor in our apartment. We can never withdraw ourselfs because of this.

For this reason, it is important to create extra space whare we canlive next to our house. For me personally, it's not just about the "lack of space" we experience. But deeper still, it's about basic safety: I can't experience this anywhere in my house right now.

And this really touches very deeply: Every person has needs for basic safety. Being able to retreat into your own safe bubble. Recharging yourself, resting, feeding, thinking, giving space, you name it. This so that after that rest, you can continue working full of energy.

If that space isn't there, you're burning up inside. This causes stress. And when you are exposed to that pressure and stress long enough, illness follows automatically. Both our relationship and our health are coming under pressure. This is what I experience right now in my house. Its a painful, but also teachable situation.


What we need: 

What we see as a solution is to place a Yurt next to the house to live in. So that we can make a quiet safe home place here that offers peace and quiet. We did a lot of research. And the estimate is that all costs together amount to 28000,-. (yes, we thought that was a large amount too).

Surely that should be able to do cheaper? We thought immediately. However, with only the costs for a Yurt, the plan is not covered. For example, an insulated deck must be built. Good fire stove have to be purchased. And the transport picture to Portugal is also on top of it.

We are creative. Of course, we looked at temporary low-cost solutions to alleviate the problem. But those are not helpful constructive solutions to the real problem: at the moment there is no place in the house where me and Daniel can really come home in peace. As a result, we do not experience having a "home". And having our own "home" place to relax is a prerequisite for further realizing our dreams. 


Call to action:

And that's why we now ask for your financial support: And really every little bit helps!

If you cannot contribute financially. But do you have another way to contribute? That too is welcome. Sharing our story and this message via socials. Can be just that extra push so that we can reach enough peapol willing to help us. And helps us manifest our Yurt. Do you have another golden tip on solution: Let us know. 

With a lot of love. Thank you for listening




Started on 21/03/2023
Viewed 1486x

Fundraiser organised by:

Janna De Weerd

Janna De Weerd



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Started on 21/03/2023
Viewed 1486x
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