help mee met het bekostigen van de filmscreening ''Battle of Amritsar

help mee met het bekostigen van de filmscreening ''Battle of Amritsar

Available in:  Dutch

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh,

Op zaterdag 3 juni vond een filmscreening plaats van "Battle of Amritsar". Deze historische documentaire vertelt het verhaal van de aanval op de Sikhs in juni 1984 en werd voor het eerst in Nederland vertoond. Vanwege de aard van de documentaire en het feit dat dit een uniek evenement was, was het moeilijk om de verwachte opkomst in te schatten. Om zoveel mogelijk publiek aan te trekken, hebben we bewust gekozen voor een toegankelijke ticketprijs van €12,50.

Om deze screening te kunnen realiseren, zijn er aanzienlijke kosten gemaakt, voornamelijk voor het huren van de zaal. We hebben jouw financiële steun nodig om deze kosten te dekken. Elke donatie, groot of klein, draagt bij aan het mogelijk maken van deze bijzondere screening. Als je wilt doneren, kun je gebruikmaken van de betalingslink in de biografie. We waarderen elke bijdrage enorm. Als je vragen hebt of meer informatie wilt, stuur ons gerust een DM (direct message). Donaties bovenop de gemaakt kosten zullen worden gebruikt voor toekomstige projecten!

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh,

On Saturday, June 3rd, a film screening of "Battle of Amritsar" took place. This historical documentary tells the story of the attack on the Sikhs in June 1984 and was shown for the first time in the Netherlands. Due to the nature of the documentary and the fact that this was a unique event, it was difficult to estimate the expected turnout. To attract as much audience as possible, we deliberately chose an affordable ticket price of €12.50.

To make this screening possible, significant costs were incurred, mainly for renting the venue. We need your financial support to cover these expenses. Every donation, big or small, contributes. If you would like to donate, you can use the payment link in the bio. We greatly appreciate any contribution. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to send us a DM (direct message). Donations on top of the costs are used for future projects!

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh,

On Saturday, June 3rd, a film screening of "Battle of Amritsar" took place. This historical documentary tells the story of the attack on the Sikhs in June 1984 and was shown for the first time in the Netherlands. Due to the nature of the documentary and the fact that this was a unique event, it was difficult to estimate the expected turnout. To attract as much audience as possible, we deliberately chose an affordable ticket price of €12.50.

To make this screening possible, significant costs were incurred, mainly for renting the venue. We need your financial support to cover these expenses. Every donation, big or small, contributes. If you would like to donate, you can use the payment link in the bio. We greatly appreciate any contribution. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to send us a DM (direct message). Donations on top of the costs are used for future projects!




Started on 13/06/2023
Viewed 360x

Fundraiser organised for:

Dutch Sikh Association

Dutch Sikh Association

For the Sikh youth in the Netherlands, by the Sikh youth.

Fundraiser organised by:

Dutch Sikh Association

Dutch Sikh Association



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Started on 13/06/2023
Viewed 360x
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