Middle Ground - Cargo Bike Artist Residency

Middle Ground - Cargo Bike Artist Residency
James Crossley

A series of artist residencies on a cargo bike, intending to connect and reclaim commons between people and place.


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In summer 2025 three artists will cycle from the Netherlands, and make art that engages with communities they meet along the way.

The intention is to connect and reclaim commons in a society where binary politics and geographies are cut through by anger, fear, and motorways.

Today it is taboo to look for ways to compromise with “the other side” rather than finding solidarity with all people. Sometimes though, all it can take is to ride a bike somewhere and talk to someone new, to realise that we’re not so different, and often, we want the same things. And when that bike is a cargo bike ridden by an artist, perceived and practical boundaries can melt even further.

This project is now looking for support, both financial, equipment, and promotion, to successfully pilot in 2025, and continue to grow in following years.



10 March - 10 May: Crowdfunding open
10 May - 30 June: Project preparation
1 July - 30 September: Artist residency journeys take place
October: End of year event/presentation

The intended bicycle is a “Larry vs Harry" Bullit cargo bike. It's being borrowed after it has already cycled long distance through Europe and North Africa, and proved a worthy platform.

The trips begin in July and will be finished by the end of September (or maybe even October if there's some hardy souls willing to camp in the cold).

We anticipate trips of up to 4 weeks, but any proposed duration whether shorter or longer from an artist, as long as it's realistic, is possible.



You can see a full breakdown of the budget on the middleground.jamespac.net site if you view one of the pdfs. The essentials to know here are what your donations will be used for:

  • Cargo bike (service)
  • Artist fees (art work is paid work)
  • Travel costs (for artists preferably overland)
  • Touring and art equipment (we'll borrow as much as we can)
  • Coordinating costs (logistics, not profit)

Funding is being (and already has in part) sought from multiple sources, but crowdfunding is a crucial aspect of this, both from a literal need for the cash, and because the project is rooted in the power of connecting people. Sharing an ideal by sharing money is a core of this whole concept.


Donation rewards:

Officially it is not permitted to give anything in exchange for a donation as this becomes a taxable purchased good. However if you are donating €25 or more and would like a free gift of no monetary value in the form of a Middle Ground poster, please get in touch and we can arrange this at the end of the summer!


More info and support:

You can read more, see more ways to support, and get in touch, on the Middle Ground temporary website.

You can read more about the project's facilitator, James, at his website jamespac.net




Started 20 hours ago
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Fundraiser organised by:

James Crossley

James Crossley

Fundraiser will run till 10/05/2025

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Started 20 hours ago
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