The Magical Garage Gathering Foundation 🕉 ✨️(need a Magical piece of land)

The Magical Garage Gathering Foundation 🕉 ✨️(need a Magical piece of land)

Hey beautiful family.We are getting money together to buy a piece of land,where we can give you the most Magical events ever


Hey beautiful family.We are getting money together to buy a piece of land,where we can give you the most Magical events ever :) 

We have a nice wonderful group of almost 1000 family 👪 members  😀 ❤️ 

I have something nice for the people ho help us with the Magical land :) 

So if you put less than 10 en that no problem all the little bit makes something big after a while so always bigg thanks whatever you send x so for les than 10  you wil get 1 time free entrance and a free drink with it .

50euro , we will give you 6 free times to enter en the free drinks also 😉 +  membership card included. 

If you put 100 euro in the new Magical land , you get 1 year free entrance and always and 2 free drinks included when you enter 😉  also you wil get a membership card 

More than 150€ we we have 2years free entrance free drink included while enter also you get the membership card and a free tShirt of the Magical Garage Gathering  ✨️ 

500€ ore more  you wil get a VIP Memberschipcard always free entrance you will never pay again all events will be free and you wil get also always 2 free drinks 🍸+ 2tshirts ,you can decid with one .

We also wil invite the members with card first because we don't want that The group gets bigger and bigger 1000 is perfect maby little bit more 2000 but no 3000 😅 Love you all and I bless you all Brothers and Sisters let's go for it if 1000 people invest 100€ we have the Magical land under our feet and than the Journey wil begin our new life together ❤️ 😊 Namaste 🙏




Started on 03/08/2022
Viewed 848x

Fundraiser organised by:

Stijn De Clercq

Stijn De Clercq



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Started on 03/08/2022
Viewed 848x
Other fundraisers in: Music Arts & Culture Club
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