Dreams into reality

Dreams into reality

Last 4 years I’ve been working on a business plan to turn my cooking show idea into reality. Now it’s time to build a studio


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for a long time I’m dreaming of having my own cooking show

a show you can watch and also listen too with the idea of a podcast. 
Since I’m working 36 hours a week to maintain the income of being able to finance my home, living and healthcare there is non left to invest in my dreams and dear future I want to invest in.

i do not feel at ease asking for donations and I’m currently not in a hurry but if you feel free enough help me build my dream job Your more then welcome and I’m so thankful for your help.


lots of love,





op 11-03-2024 gestart
61x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Sky Bronkhorst

Sky Bronkhorst


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op 11-03-2024 gestart
61x bekeken